

Explore the following sections to learn more:


import ""








type Activities

type Activities struct {
    Export  ActivityDetail `json:"export,omitempty"`  // Details of export activities
    Restore ActivityDetail `json:"restore,omitempty"` // Details of restore activities
    Backups ActivityDetail `json:"backups,omitempty"` // Details of backup activities

type ActivitiesPayload

type ActivitiesPayload struct {
    AppType AppType `json:"appType"` // Type of Backupify application. e.g., "GoogleDrive", "GoogleTeamDrives", etc.

type ActivitiesResponse

### Backupify Activity Structs ---------------------------------------------------------------------

type ActivitiesResponse struct {
    Activities Activities `json:"activities,omitempty"` // Activities {Exports, Restores, Backups}

type ActivityClient

ActivityClient for chaining methods

type ActivityClient struct {

func (*ActivityClient) GetActivities

func (c *ActivityClient) GetActivities() (*Activities, error)

type ActivityDetail

type ActivityDetail struct {
    HasActive bool    `json:"hasActive,omitempty"` // Indicates if there is an active status
    Items     []*Item `json:"items,omitempty"`     // List of individual items in the activity

func (*ActivityDetail) Map

func (ad *ActivityDetail) Map() map[int64]*Item

type AppType

type AppType string // AppType is the type of Backupify application.

var (
    GoogleDrive AppType = "GoogleDrive"
    SharedDrive AppType = "GoogleTeamDrives"
    GoogleMail  AppType = "GoogleMail"

type Client

### Backupify Client Structs ---------------------------------------------------------------------

type Client struct {
    BaseURL string           // BaseURL is the base URL for Backupify requests.
    HTTP    *requests.Client // HTTPClient is the client used to make HTTP requests.
    Error   string           // Error is the error message returned from the Backupify WebUI.
    Log     *log.Logger      // Log is the logger used to log messages.
    Cache   *cache.Cache     // Cache is the cache used to store responses from the Backupify WebUI.

    AppType AppType // AppType is the type of Backupify application.
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewClient

func NewClient(verbosity int, opts ...ClientOption) *Client

- # Generate Backupify Client

  • @param logger *log.Logger
  • @return *Client
  • Example:


b := backupify.NewClient(log.DEBUG)


func (*Client) Activities

func (c *Client) Activities() *ActivityClient

Entry point for activity-related operations

func (*Client) BuildURL

func (c *Client) BuildURL(endpoint string, identifiers ...interface{}) string

BuildURL builds a URL for a given resource and identifiers.

func (*Client) CheckExportFilters

func (c *Client) CheckExportFilters(activities *Activities)

func (*Client) Exports

func (c *Client) Exports() *ExportClient

Entry point for export-related operations

func (*Client) GetCache

func (c *Client) GetCache(key string, target interface{}) bool

* GetCache retrieves an Backupify response from the cache

func (*Client) SetCache

func (c *Client) SetCache(key string, value interface{}, duration time.Duration)

* SetCache stores an Backupify response in the cache

func (*Client) Snapshots

func (c *Client) Snapshots() *SnapshotClient

Entry point for export-related operations

func (*Client) UseCache

func (c *Client) UseCache() *Client

UseCache() enables caching for the next method call.

func (*Client) Users

func (c *Client) Users() *UserClient

Entry point for export-related operations

type ClientOption

type ClientOption func(*Client)

type Column

type Column struct {
    Data       string `json:"data"`       // Data field
    Name       string `json:"name"`       // Name of the column
    Searchable bool   `json:"searchable"` // Searchable flag
    Orderable  bool   `json:"orderable"`  // Orderable flag
    Search     Search `json:"search"`     // Search criteria

type DeletePayload

type DeletePayload struct {
    Type    string  `json:"type"`    // Type of deletion
    AppType AppType `json:"appType"` // Type of Backupify application
    ID      int     `json:"id"`      // Identity to target. e.g. [snapshotID]

type Description

type Description struct {
    Filters            interface{} `json:"filters,omitempty"`            // Filters applied during the run, can be null
    IncludePermissions bool        `json:"includePermissions,omitempty"` // Indicates if permissions were included
    ItemCount          int         `json:"itemCount,omitempty"`          // Number of items considered
    Query              string      `json:"query,omitempty"`              // Query terms used
    RecoveredBy        string      `json:"recoveredBy,omitempty"`        // Who recovered the run
    Services           []*Service  `json:"services,omitempty"`           // Services involved in the run
    Snapshot           int64       `json:"snapshot,omitempty"`           // Snapshot ID
    TargetService      *Service    `json:"targetService,omitempty"`      // Target service for the run, can be null
    Type               string      `json:"type,omitempty"`               // Type of the description, e.g., full or selected

type Export

type Export struct {
    ResponseData ResponseData `json:"responseData,omitempty"` // Container for the response data
    Status       string       `json:"state,omitempty"`        // Current status of the export
    SnapshotDate string       `json:"snapshotDate,omitempty"` // Date and time of the snapshot

type ExportClient

ExportClient for chaining methods

type ExportClient struct {

func (*ExportClient) DeleteExport

func (c *ExportClient) DeleteExport(activity *Item, export *Export) error

func (*ExportClient) DownloadAvailableExports

func (c *ExportClient) DownloadAvailableExports(activities *Activities) [][]string

func (*ExportClient) DownloadExport

func (c *ExportClient) DownloadExport(activity *Item, export *Export) ([]string, error)

func (*ExportClient) ExportUser

func (c *ExportClient) ExportUser(user *User) (*Exports, error)

func (*ExportClient) ExportUsers

func (c *ExportClient) ExportUsers(users *Users) ([]Exports, error)

type ExportPayload

type ExportPayload struct {
    ActionType         string        `json:"actionType"`         // Type of action, e.g., "export"
    AppType            AppType       `json:"appType"`            // Type of application, e.g., "GoogleDrive"
    SnapshotID         string        `json:"snapshotId"`         // ID of the snapshot
    Token              string        `json:"token"`              // Placeholder for a variable
    IncludePermissions bool          `json:"includePermissions"` // Include permissions associated with the files being exported
    IncludeAttachments bool          `json:"includeAttachments"` // Include attachments
    Services           []interface{} `json:"services"`           // Identity to target. e.g. [userID]

type ExportQuery

type ExportQuery struct {
    Type    string `json:"type"`    // Type of query. e.g. 'export'
    AppType string `json:"appType"` // Type of application. e.g. 'GoogleDrive'
    ID      int    `json:"id"`      // ID of the export
    EXT     string `json:"ext"`     // Extension of the file. e.g. 'zip'

type Exports

### Backupify Export Structs ---------------------------------------------------------------------

type Exports []*Export

type Filters

type Filters struct {
    IsDeleted string `json:"isDeleted,omitempty"` // Whether deleted items were included

type Item

type Item struct {
    BytesWritten string  `json:"bytesWritten,omitempty"` // The amount of data written, can be in various units
    DetailsPath  *string `json:"detailsPath,omitempty"`  // Path to further details, can be null
    Destination  string  `json:"destination,omitempty"`  // Destination of the data
    Export       Export  `json:"export,omitempty"`       // Export details
    Items        string  `json:"items,omitempty"`        // Summary of items processed, in the format "processed / total"
    RecoveredBy  string  `json:"recoveredBy,omitempty"`  // Who recovered the item
    Reason       string  `json:"reason,omitempty"`       // Reason for the current status (typically for failed or cancelled tasks)
    Run          Run     `json:"run,omitempty"`          // Running details
    RunMode      string  `json:"runMode,omitempty"`      // Mode of the run
    Source       string  `json:"source,omitempty"`       // Source of the data
    Stats        Stats   `json:"stats,omitempty"`        // Statistical data
    Status       string  `json:"status,omitempty"`       // Current status of the item
    Timestamp    int64   `json:"timestamp,omitempty"`    // Timestamp of the item creation or modification
    Timetaken    string  `json:"timetaken,omitempty"`    // Time taken for the operation
    Type         string  `json:"type,omitempty"`         // Type of the item

type Order

type Order struct {
    Column string `json:"column"` // Column index
    Dir    string `json:"dir"`    // Direction

type ResponseData

type ResponseData struct {
    Action     string `json:"action,omitempty"`     // Action taken, e.g., "Export"
    AppType    string `json:"appType,omitempty"`    // Type of application involved, e.g., "GoogleDrive"
    CustomerId int    `json:"customerId,omitempty"` // Numeric ID of the customer
    ID         int    `json:"id,omitempty"`         // Numeric ID associated with the responseData
    Status     string `json:"status,omitempty"`     // Current status, e.g., "started"

type Run

type Run struct {
    ActionType            string      `json:"actionType,omitempty"`            // Type of action, e.g., Export or Restore
    AppType               string      `json:"appType,omitempty"`               // Application type involved
    CompletedAt           int64       `json:"completedAt,omitempty"`           // Completion timestamp
    CreatedAt             int64       `json:"createdAt,omitempty"`             // Creation timestamp
    CustomerId            int         `json:"customerId,omitempty"`            // ID of the customer
    Description           Description `json:"description,omitempty"`           // Description of the run
    ID                    int         `json:"id,omitempty"`                    // ID of the run
    TimeTakenMilliseconds int         `json:"timeTakenMilliseconds,omitempty"` // Time taken in milliseconds

type Search

type Search struct {
    Value string `json:"value"` // Search value
    Regex bool   `json:"regex"` // Regex flag

type Service

type Service struct {
    ServiceEmail string `json:"serviceEmail,omitempty"` // Email associated with the service
    ServiceId    int    `json:"serviceId,omitempty"`    // ID of the service
    ServiceName  string `json:"serviceName,omitempty"`  // Name of the service

type Snapshot

type Snapshot struct {
    ID   int64  `json:"snapshotId,omitempty"`         // ID of the snapshot
    Date string `json:"formattedForButton,omitempty"` // Text formatted for display on a button.

type SnapshotClient

SnapshotClient for chaining methods

type SnapshotClient struct {

func (*SnapshotClient) GetSnapshotDates

func (c *SnapshotClient) GetSnapshotDates(user *User) (*Snapshots, error)

type Snapshots

type Snapshots map[string][]Snapshot // Map of snapshot dates

type SnapshotsPayload

type SnapshotsPayload struct {
    AppType   AppType `json:"appType"`   // Type of Backupify application
    ServiceID int     `json:"serviceId"` // Identity to target. e.g. [userID]

type Stats

type Stats struct {
    BytesWritten int `json:"BytesWritten,omitempty"` // Number of bytes written
    FailureCount int `json:"FailureCount,omitempty"` // Count of failed operations
    SkippedCount int `json:"SkippedCount,omitempty"` // Count of skipped operations
    SuccessCount int `json:"SuccessCount,omitempty"` // Count of successful operations
    TotalCount   int `json:"TotalCount,omitempty"`   // Total number of operations

type User

type User struct {
    AppType        string      `json:"appType,omitempty"`        // Type of the application
    CreatedAt      int64       `json:"createdAt,omitempty"`      // Creation timestamp
    CustomerId     int         `json:"customerId,omitempty"`     // ID of the customer
    Deleted        bool        `json:"deleted,omitempty"`        // Deletion flag
    Email          string      `json:"email,omitempty"`          // Email address
    ID             int         `json:"id,omitempty"`             // Unique identifier
    LatestSnap     interface{} `json:"latestSnap,omitempty"`     // Latest snapshot ID
    LocalSize      int64       `json:"localSize,omitempty"`      // Local size
    Name           string      `json:"name,omitempty"`           // Name of the item
    OwnSize        int64       `json:"ownSize,omitempty"`        // Owned size
    Path           string      `json:"path,omitempty"`           // File path
    PerfectBackups []Snapshot  `json:"perfectBackups,omitempty"` // List of perfect backups
    ReferencedSize int         `json:"referencedSize,omitempty"` // Referenced size
    Snapshots      []Snapshot  `json:"snapshots,omitempty"`      // List of snapshots
    SnapshotDates  *Snapshots  `json:"snapshotDates,omitempty"`  // Map of snapshot dates
    Status         string      `json:"status,omitempty"`         // Status of the item
    StorageFormat  string      `json:"storageFormat,omitempty"`  // Storage format
    UpdatedAt      int64       `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"`      // Update timestamp
    UsedBytes      string      `json:"usedBytes,omitempty"`      // Used bytes in string format
    UsedBytesFloat float64     `json:"usedBytesFloat,omitempty"` // Used bytes in float format

type UserClient

UserClient for chaining methods

type UserClient struct {

func (*UserClient) GetAllUsers

func (c *UserClient) GetAllUsers() (*Users, error)

GetAllUsers() retrieves all users from Backupify.

func (*UserClient) UserStorageReport

func (c *UserClient) UserStorageReport(users *Users) map[string]UserCounts

Initialize a map to count users and sum storage by the first letter of their email

type UserCounts

type UserCounts struct {
    Count        int
    TotalStorage float64

type UserPayload

type UserPayload struct {
    Draw    string   `json:"draw"`    // The draw number
    Columns []Column `json:"columns"` // List of columns
    Order   []Order  `json:"order"`   // List of order items
    Start   int      `json:"start"`   // Start index
    Length  int      `json:"length"`  // Length of the request
    Search  Search   `json:"search"`  // Search criteria
    AppType AppType  `json:"appType"` // Type of Backupify application

type Users

### Backupify User Structs ---------------------------------------------------------------------

type Users struct {
    Draw            int     `json:"draw,omitempty"`            // The draw number
    Data            []*User `json:"data,omitempty"`            // List of data items
    RecordsTotal    int     `json:"recordsTotal,omitempty"`    // Total number of records
    RecordsFiltered int     `json:"recordsFiltered,omitempty"` // Number of filtered records

func (*Users) Map

func (u *Users) Map() map[string]*User

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