

Explore the following sections to learn more:


import ""






const (
    All               = "*/*"                               // RFC-7231 (
    Atom              = "application/atom+xml"              // RFC-4287 (
    CSS               = "text/css"                          // RFC-2318 (
    Excel             = "application/"          // Proprietary
    FormURLEncoded    = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" // RFC-1866 (
    GIF               = "image/gif"                         // RFC-2046 (
    HTML              = "text/html"                         // RFC-2854 (
    JPEG              = "image/jpeg"                        // RFC-2045 (
    JavaScript        = "text/javascript"                   // RFC-9239 (
    JSON              = "application/json"                  // RFC-8259 (
    MP3               = "audio/mpeg"                        // RFC-3003 (
    MP4               = "video/mp4"                         // RFC-4337 (
    MPEG              = "video/mpeg"                        // RFC-4337 (
    MultipartFormData = "multipart/form-data"               // RFC-7578 (
    OctetStream       = "application/octet-stream"          // RFC-2046 (
    PDF               = "application/pdf"                   // RFC-3778 (
    PNG               = "image/png"                         // RFC-2083 (
    Plain             = "text/plain"                        // RFC-2046 (
    RSS               = "application/rss+xml"               // RFC-7303 (
    WAV               = "audio/wav"                         // RFC-2361 (
    XML               = "application/xml"                   // RFC-7303 (
    YAML              = "application/yaml"                  // RFC-9512 (
    ZIP               = "application/zip"                   // RFC-1951 (

func DecodeJSON

func DecodeJSON(body []byte, result interface{}) error

* DecodeJSON

  • @param body []byte
  • @param result interface{}
  • @return error

func SetFormURLEncodedPayload

func SetFormURLEncodedPayload(req *http.Request, data interface{}) error

func SetJSONPayload

func SetJSONPayload(req *http.Request, data interface{}) error

func SetQueryParams

func SetQueryParams(req *http.Request, query interface{})

func SetXMLPayload

func SetXMLPayload(req *http.Request, data interface{}) error

type Client

* Client

  • @param httpClient *http.Client
  • @param headers Headers
type Client struct {
    BodyType    string
    Cache       *cache.Cache
    Headers     Headers
    Log         *log.Logger
    RateLimiter *rl.RateLimiter
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewClient

func NewClient(c *http.Client, headers Headers, rateLimiter *rl.RateLimiter) *Client

* NewClient

  • @param headers Headers
  • @return *Client

func (*Client) CreateRequest

func (c *Client) CreateRequest(method string, url string) (*http.Request, error)

func (*Client) DoRequest

func (c *Client) DoRequest(method string, url string, query interface{}, data interface{}) (*http.Response, []byte, error)

func (*Client) DownloadFile

func (c *Client) DownloadFile(url, directory, filename string, allowDuplicates bool) error

func (*Client) ExtractParam

func (c *Client) ExtractParam(u, parameter string) string

func (*Client) UpdateBodyType

func (c *Client) UpdateBodyType(bodyType string)

UpdateHeaders changes the payload body for the HTTP client

func (*Client) UpdateContentType

func (c *Client) UpdateContentType(contentType string)

UpdateHeaders changes the headers for the HTTP client

type DownloadMetadata

DownloadMetadata stores state for managing downloads.

type DownloadMetadata struct {
    URL           string    // Source URL
    FilePath      string    // Full path to the downloaded file
    FileName      string    // Name of the file
    BytesReceived int64     // Bytes downloaded so far
    TotalSize     int64     // Total size of the file
    LastModified  time.Time // Last modified time from server
    Checksum      string    // For checksum validation (optional)

type Headers

type Headers map[string]string

type Paginator

* Paginator

  • @param Self string
  • @param NextPage string
  • @param Paged bool
type Paginator struct {
    Self          string `json:"self"`
    NextPageLink  string `json:"next"`
    NextPageToken string `json:"next_page_token"`
    Paged         bool   `json:"paged"`

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