

Explore the following sections to learn more:


import ""











var (
    ComputersInventory       = fmt.Sprintf("%s/computers-inventory", V1)        // /api/v1/computers-inventory
    ComputersInventoryDetail = fmt.Sprintf("%s/computers-inventory-detail", V1) // /api/v1/computers-inventory-detail
    ComputerGroups           = fmt.Sprintf("%s/computer-groups", V1)            // /api/v1/computer-groups
    MobileDev                = fmt.Sprintf("%s/mobile-devices", V2)             // /api/v2/mobile-devices

var (
    BaseURL      = fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/api", "%s")         //
    V1           = "%s/v1"                                     //
    V1_AuthToken = fmt.Sprintf("%s/auth/token", V1)            //
    V2           = "%s/v2"                                     //
    ClassicURL   = fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/JSSResource", "%s") //

var (
    ManagementFramework = fmt.Sprintf("%s/jamf-management-framework", V1) // /api/v1/jamf-management-framework
    V1_MDM              = fmt.Sprintf("%s/mdm", V1)                       // /api/v1/mdm
    RenewProfile        = fmt.Sprintf("%s/renew-profile", V1_MDM)         // /api/v1/mdm/renew-profile
    V2_MDM              = fmt.Sprintf("%s/mdm", V2)                       // /api/v2/mdm

var (
    ClassicUsers = fmt.Sprintf("%s/users", "%s") // /users

var (
    ConfigurationProfiles = fmt.Sprintf("%s/osxconfigurationprofiles", "%s") // /osxconfigurationprofiles

var (
    JamfProVersion = fmt.Sprintf("%s/jamf-pro-version", V1) // /api/v1/jamf-pro-version

Section is an instance of the Sections struct, where we assign the constants.

var Section = Sections{
    General:               "GENERAL",
    DiskEncryption:        "DISK_ENCRYPTION",
    Purchasing:            "PURCHASING",
    Applications:          "APPLICATIONS",
    Storage:               "STORAGE",
    UserAndLocation:       "USER_AND_LOCATION",
    ConfigurationProfiles: "CONFIGURATION_PROFILES",
    Printers:              "PRINTERS",
    Services:              "SERVICES",
    Hardware:              "HARDWARE",
    LocalUserAccounts:     "LOCAL_USER_ACCOUNTS",
    Certificates:          "CERTIFICATES",
    Attachments:           "ATTACHMENTS",
    Plugins:               "PLUGINS",
    PackageReceipts:       "PACKAGE_RECEIPTS",
    Fonts:                 "FONTS",
    Security:              "SECURITY",
    OperatingSystem:       "OPERATING_SYSTEM",
    LicensedSoftware:      "LICENSED_SOFTWARE",
    IBeacons:              "IBEACONS",
    SoftwareUpdates:       "SOFTWARE_UPDATES",
    ExtensionAttributes:   "EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTES",
    ContentCaching:        "CONTENT_CACHING",
    GroupMemberships:      "GROUP_MEMBERSHIPS",

Sort is an instance of the SortOptions struct, where we assign the constants.

var Sort = SortOptions{
    GeneralName:                          "",
    UDID:                                 "udid",
    ID:                                   "id",
    GeneralAssetTag:                      "general.assetTag",
    GeneralJamfBinaryVersion:             "general.jamfBinaryVersion",
    GeneralLastContactTime:               "general.lastContactTime",
    GeneralLastEnrolledDate:              "general.lastEnrolledDate",
    GeneralLastCloudBackupDate:           "general.lastCloudBackupDate",
    GeneralReportDate:                    "general.reportDate",
    GeneralRemoteManagementUsername:      "general.remoteManagement.managementUsername",
    GeneralMDMCertificateExpiration:      "general.mdmCertificateExpiration",
    GeneralPlatform:                      "general.platform",
    HardwareMake:                         "hardware.make",
    HardwareModel:                        "hardware.model",
    OperatingSystemBuild:                 "",
    OperatingSystemSupplementalBuild:     "operatingSystem.supplementalBuildVersion",
    OperatingSystemRapidSecurityResponse: "operatingSystem.rapidSecurityResponse",
    OperatingSystemName:                  "",
    OperatingSystemVersion:               "operatingSystem.version",
    UserAndLocationRealname:              "userAndLocation.realname",
    PurchasingLifeExpectancy:             "purchasing.lifeExpectancy",
    PurchasingWarrantyDate:               "purchasing.warrantyDate",

type Application

Application represents the details of an application installed on the computer.

type Application struct {
    BundleID          string `json:"bundleId,omitempty"`          // Bundle identifier of the application.
    ExternalVersionID string `json:"externalVersionId,omitempty"` // External version identifier.
    MacAppStore       bool   `json:"macAppStore,omitempty"`       // Indicates if the application is from Mac App Store.
    Name              string `json:"name,omitempty"`              // Name of the application.
    Path              string `json:"path,omitempty"`              // Installation path of the application.
    SizeMegabytes     int    `json:"sizeMegabytes,omitempty"`     // Size of the application in megabytes.
    UpdateAvailable   bool   `json:"updateAvailable,omitempty"`   // Indicates if an update is available.
    Version           string `json:"version,omitempty"`           // Version of the application.

type Attachment

Attachment represents an attachment in the inventory.

type Attachment struct {
    FileType  string `json:"fileType,omitempty"`  // Type of the file.
    ID        string `json:"id,omitempty"`        // ID of the attachment.
    Name      string `json:"name,omitempty"`      // Name of the attachment.
    SizeBytes int    `json:"sizeBytes,omitempty"` // Size of the attachment in bytes.

type BootPartitionDetails

type BootPartitionDetails struct {
    PartitionName              string `json:"partitionName"`              // Name of the partition.
    PartitionFileVault2State   string `json:"partitionFileVault2State"`   // FileVault 2 state of the partition.
    PartitionFileVault2Percent int    `json:"partitionFileVault2Percent"` // FileVault 2 percent of the partition.

type CacheAlert

CacheAlert represents an alert related to caching.

type CacheAlert struct {
    Addresses            []string `json:"addresses,omitempty"`                   // List of addresses related to the caching server.
    CacheBytesLimit      int64    `json:"cacheBytesLimit,omitempty"`             // Limit of cache bytes for the alert.
    ClassName            string   `json:"className,omitempty"`                   // The class name of the alert.
    ID                   string   `json:"contentCachingParentAlertId,omitempty"` // Unique identifier of the alert.
    PathPreventingAccess string   `json:"pathPreventingAccess,omitempty"`        // Path that is preventing access.
    PostDate             string   `json:"postDate,omitempty"`                    // Post date of the alert.
    ReservedVolumeBytes  int64    `json:"reservedVolumeBytes,omitempty"`         // Reserved volume bytes.
    Resource             string   `json:"resource,omitempty"`                    // Resource associated with the alert.

type CacheDetail

CacheDetail represents details of the cache.

type CacheDetail struct {
    ComputerContentCachingCacheDetailsID string `json:"computerContentCachingCacheDetailsId,omitempty"` // ID of the cache detail.
    CategoryName                         string `json:"categoryName,omitempty"`                         // Name of the category.
    DiskSpaceBytesUsed                   int64  `json:"diskSpaceBytesUsed,omitempty"`                   // Disk space used in bytes.

type Category

Category represents category information of the {configuration profile, policy}.

type Category struct {

type Certificate

type Certificate struct {
    CertificateStatus string `json:"certificateStatus,omitempty"` // Status of the certificate.
    CommonName        string `json:"commonName,omitempty"`        // Common name of the certificate.
    ExpirationDate    string `json:"expirationDate,omitempty"`    // Expiration date of the certificate.
    Identity          bool   `json:"identity,omitempty"`          // Indicates if the certificate is an identity certificate.
    IssuedDate        string `json:"issuedDate,omitempty"`        // Issued date of the certificate.
    LifecycleStatus   string `json:"lifecycleStatus,omitempty"`   // Lifecycle status of the certificate.
    SerialNumber      string `json:"serialNumber,omitempty"`      // Serial number of the certificate.
    Sha1Fingerprint   string `json:"sha1Fingerprint,omitempty"`   // SHA1 fingerprint of the certificate.
    SubjectName       string `json:"subjectName,omitempty"`       // Subject name of the certificate.

type Client

type Client struct {
    BaseURL    string           // Base URL for the Jamf Pro API.
    ClassicURL string           // Base URL for the Jamf Pro Classic API.
    HTTP       *requests.Client // HTTP client for making requests to the Jamf Pro API.
    Log        *log.Logger      // Logger for the Jamf Pro client.
    Cache      *cache.Cache     // Cache for the Jamf Pro client.

func NewClient

func NewClient(verbosity int) *Client

* Create a new Jamf Client

func (*Client) BuildClassicURL

func (c *Client) BuildClassicURL(endpoint string, identifiers ...interface{}) string

BuildClassicURL builds a URL for a given resource and identifiers.

func (*Client) BuildURL

func (c *Client) BuildURL(endpoint string, identifiers ...interface{}) string

BuildURL builds a URL for a given resource and identifiers.

func (*Client) Devices

func (c *Client) Devices() *DeviceClient

Entry point for device-related operations

func (*Client) GetCache

func (c *Client) GetCache(key string, target interface{}) bool

* GetCache retrieves a Jamf API response from the cache

func (*Client) GetConfigurationProfileDetails

func (c *Client) GetConfigurationProfileDetails(id string) (*OSXConfigurationProfile, error)

* # Get Configuration Profile by ID

func (*Client) GetJamfVersion

func (c *Client) GetJamfVersion() (string, error)

* # Get the Jamf Version

func (*Client) GetUser

func (c *Client) GetUser(id string) (*Users, error)

* # Get User by ID

func (*Client) GetUserByEmail

func (c *Client) GetUserByEmail(email string) (*Users, error)

* # Get User Profile by Email

func (*Client) ListAllConfigurationProfiles

func (c *Client) ListAllConfigurationProfiles() (*OSXConfigurationProfiles, error)

* # List All Configuration Profiles

func (*Client) ListAllUsers

func (c *Client) ListAllUsers() (*Users, error)

* # List All Users

func (*Client) RenewMDMProfile

func (c *Client) RenewMDMProfile(udids []string) (*ManagementResponse, error)

* # Renew MDM Profile

func (*Client) RepairManagementFramework

func (c *Client) RepairManagementFramework(id string) (string, error)

* # Repair Jamf Management Framework

func (*Client) SetCache

func (c *Client) SetCache(key string, value interface{}, duration time.Duration)

* SetCache stores a Jamf API response in the cache

func (*Client) UpdateConfigurationProfile

func (c *Client) UpdateConfigurationProfile(id string) (*OSXConfigurationProfile, error)

* # Update Configuration Profile by ID

type Command

Command represents a single command executed on the computer

type Command struct {
    Completed      string `json:"completed,omitempty"`       // Completion time of the command
    CompletedEpoch int64  `json:"completed_epoch,omitempty"` // Completion time in epoch format
    CompletedUTC   string `json:"completed_utc,omitempty"`   // Completion time in UTC
    Failed         string `json:"failed,omitempty"`          // Time when the command failed
    FailedEpoch    int64  `json:"failed_epoch,omitempty"`    // Failure time in epoch format
    FailedUTC      string `json:"failed_utc,omitempty"`      // Failure time in UTC
    Issued         string `json:"issued,omitempty"`          // Time when the command was issued
    IssuedEpoch    int64  `json:"issued_epoch,omitempty"`    // Issue time in epoch format
    IssuedUTC      string `json:"issued_utc,omitempty"`      // Issue time in UTC
    LastPush       string `json:"last_push,omitempty"`       // Time of the last push notification
    LastPushEpoch  int64  `json:"last_push_epoch,omitempty"` // Last push time in epoch format
    LastPushUTC    string `json:"last_push_utc,omitempty"`   // Last push time in UTC
    Name           string `json:"name,omitempty"`            // Name of the command
    Status         string `json:"status,omitempty"`          // Status of the command
    Username       string `json:"username,omitempty"`        // Username associated with the command

type Commands

Commands represents the status of various commands executed on the computer

type Commands struct {
    Completed []Command `json:"completed,omitempty"` // List of completed commands
    Failed    []Command `json:"failed,omitempty"`    // List of failed commands
    Pending   []Command `json:"pending,omitempty"`   // List of pending commands

type Computer

Computer represents the details of a computer.

type Computer struct {
    Applications          *[]*Application          `json:"applications,omitempty"`          // List of applications installed on the computer.
    Attachments           *[]*Attachment           `json:"attachments,omitempty"`           // List of attachments.
    Certificates          *[]*Certificate          `json:"certificates,omitempty"`          // List of certificates installed on the computer.
    ConfigurationProfiles *[]*ConfigurationProfile `json:"configurationProfiles,omitempty"` // List of configuration profiles applied to the computer.
    ContentCaching        *ContentCaching          `json:"contentCaching,omitempty"`        // Content caching details.
    DiskEncryption        *DiskEncryption          `json:"diskEncryption,omitempty"`        // Disk encryption details.
    Fonts                 *[]*Font                 `json:"fonts,omitempty"`                 // List of fonts installed on the computer.
    General               *General                 `json:"general,omitempty"`               // General information about the computer.
    GroupMemberships      *[]*GroupMembership      `json:"groupMemberships,omitempty"`      // List of group memberships.
    Hardware              *Hardware                `json:"hardware,omitempty"`              // Hardware details of the computer.
    IBeacons              *[]*JamfProperty         `json:"ibeacons,omitempty"`              // iBeacons associated with the computer.
    ID                    interface{}              `json:"id"`                              // Unique identifier for the computer.
    LicensedSoftware      *[]*JamfProperty         `json:"licensedSoftware,omitempty"`      // List of licensed software.
    LocalUserAccounts     *[]*LocalUserAccount     `json:"localUserAccounts,omitempty"`     // List of local user accounts on the computer.
    OperatingSystem       *OperatingSystem         `json:"operatingSystem,omitempty"`       // Operating system details.
    PackageReceipts       *PackageReceipts         `json:"packageReceipts,omitempty"`       // Information about package receipts.
    Plugins               *[]*Plugin               `json:"plugins,omitempty"`               // List of plugins installed on the computer.
    Printers              *[]*Printer              `json:"printers,omitempty"`              // List of printers configured on the computer.
    Purchasing            *Purchasing              `json:"purchasing,omitempty"`            // Purchasing information.
    Security              *ComputerSecurity        `json:"security,omitempty"`              // Security settings and information.
    Services              *[]*Service              `json:"services,omitempty"`              // List of services on the computer.
    SoftwareUpdates       *[]*SoftwareUpdate       `json:"softwareUpdates,omitempty"`       // List of software updates.
    Storage               *Storage                 `json:"storage,omitempty"`               // Storage details.
    UDID                  string                   `json:"udid"`                            // Unique Device Identifier.
    UserAndLocation       *UserAndLocation         `json:"userAndLocation,omitempty"`       // User and location information.

type ComputerGroup

ComputerGroup represents a single computer group.

type ComputerGroup struct {

type ComputerHistory

ComputerHistory contains the main sections of computer history

type ComputerHistory struct {
    Audits                  []HistoryRecord         `json:"audits,omitempty"`                     // List of audits performed on the computer
    CasperImagingLogs       []HistoryRecord         `json:"casper_imaging_logs,omitempty"`        // Logs of Casper imaging operations
    CasperRemoteLogs        []HistoryRecord         `json:"casper_remote_logs,omitempty"`         // Logs of Casper remote operations
    Commands                Commands                `json:"commands,omitempty"`                   // Information about completed, pending, and failed commands
    ComputerUsageLogs       []HistoryRecord         `json:"computer_usage_logs,omitempty"`        // Logs of computer usage events
    General                 HistoryRecordGeneral    `json:"general,omitempty"`                    // General information about the computer
    MacAppStoreApplications MacAppStoreApplications `json:"mac_app_store_applications,omitempty"` // Information about installed Mac App Store applications
    PolicyLogs              []PolicyLog             `json:"policy_logs,omitempty"`                // Logs of policy executions
    UserLocation            []UserLocation          `json:"user_location,omitempty"`              // User location information

type ComputerSecurity

Security represents the security settings of the computer.

type ComputerSecurity struct {
    ActivationLockEnabled bool   `json:"activationLockEnabled,omitempty"` // Indicates if activation lock is enabled.
    AutoLoginDisabled     bool   `json:"autoLoginDisabled,omitempty"`     // Indicates if auto-login is disabled.
    BootstrapTokenAllowed bool   `json:"bootstrapTokenAllowed,omitempty"` // Indicates if bootstrap token is allowed.
    ExternalBootLevel     string `json:"externalBootLevel,omitempty"`     // Level of external boot allowed.
    FirewallEnabled       bool   `json:"firewallEnabled,omitempty"`       // Indicates if the firewall is enabled.
    GatekeeperStatus      string `json:"gatekeeperStatus,omitempty"`      // Status of Gatekeeper.
    RecoveryLockEnabled   bool   `json:"recoveryLockEnabled,omitempty"`   // Indicates if recovery lock is enabled.
    RemoteDesktopEnabled  bool   `json:"remoteDesktopEnabled,omitempty"`  // Indicates if remote desktop is enabled.
    SecureBootLevel       string `json:"secureBootLevel,omitempty"`       // Level of secure boot.
    SipStatus             string `json:"sipStatus,omitempty"`             // Status of System Integrity Protection.
    XprotectVersion       string `json:"xprotectVersion,omitempty"`       // Version of XProtect.

type Computers

Response structure for the Jamf Pro API for computers

type Computers struct {
    Results    *[]*Computer `json:"results"`    // List of computers.
    TotalCount int          `json:"totalCount"` // Total number of computers.

func (Computers) Append

func (c Computers) Append(result interface{})

Append() Computers Appends the results of Computers in generic functions to an existing list

func (Computers) Total

func (c Computers) Total() int

Total() Computers returns the total number of computers in generic functions

type ConfigurationProfile

type ConfigurationProfile struct {
    Category           *Category `json:"category,omitempty" xml:"category,omitempty"`                       // Category information.
    Description        string    `json:"description,omitempty" xml:"description,omitempty"`                 // Description of the profile.
    DisplayName        string    `json:"displayName,omitempty"`                                             // Display name of the configuration profile.
    DistributionMethod string    `json:"distribution_method,omitempty" xml:"distribution_method,omitempty"` // Distribution method.
    LastInstalled      string    `json:"lastInstalled,omitempty"`                                           // Last installed date of the configuration profile.
    Level              string    `json:"level,omitempty" xml:"level,omitempty"`                             // Level of the configuration.
    Payloads           string    `json:"payloads,omitempty" xml:"payloads,omitempty"`                       // Payloads
    ProfileIdentifier  string    `json:"profileIdentifier,omitempty"`                                       // Profile identifier of the configuration profile.
    RedeployOnUpdate   string    `json:"redeploy_on_update,omitempty" xml:"redeploy_on_update,omitempty"`   // Redeployment criteria.
    Removable          bool      `json:"removable,omitempty"`                                               // Indicates if the profile is removable.
    Site               *Site     `json:"site,omitempty" xml:"site,omitempty"`                               // Site information.
    Username           string    `json:"username,omitempty"`                                                // Username associated with the configuration profile.
    UserRemovable      bool      `json:"user_removable,omitempty" xml:"user_removable,omitempty"`           // Whether user can remove the profile.
    UUID               string    `json:"uuid,omitempty" xml:"uuid,omitempty"`                               // Universal Unique Identifier.

type ContentCaching

ContentCaching represents content caching information of a computer.

type ContentCaching struct {
    Activated                           bool               `json:"activated,omitempty"`                           // Indicates if caching is activated.
    Active                              bool               `json:"active,omitempty"`                              // Indicates if caching is currently active.
    ActualCacheBytesUsed                int64              `json:"actualCacheBytesUsed,omitempty"`                // Actual bytes used by the cache.
    Address                             string             `json:"address,omitempty"`                             // Address of the caching server.
    Addresses                           []string           `json:"addresses,omitempty"`                           // List of addresses related to the caching server.
    Alerts                              interface{}        `json:"alerts,omitempty"`                              // Alerts related to caching. Can either be an array or object assigned to CacheAlert
    CacheBytesFree                      int64              `json:"cacheBytesFree,omitempty"`                      // Free bytes in the cache.
    CacheBytesLimit                     int64              `json:"cacheBytesLimit,omitempty"`                     // Limit of cache bytes.
    CacheBytesUsed                      int64              `json:"cacheBytesUsed,omitempty"`                      // Bytes used in the cache.
    CacheDetails                        []CacheDetail      `json:"cacheDetails,omitempty"`                        // Details about the cache.
    CacheStatus                         string             `json:"cacheStatus,omitempty"`                         // Status of the cache.
    ComputerContentCachingInformationID string             `json:"computerContentCachingInformationId,omitempty"` // Information ID for content caching.
    DataMigrationCompleted              bool               `json:"dataMigrationCompleted,omitempty"`              // Indicates if data migration is completed.
    DataMigrationError                  DataMigrationError `json:"dataMigrationError,omitempty"`                  // Data migration error details.
    DataMigrationProgressPercentage     int                `json:"dataMigrationProgressPercentage,omitempty"`     // Progress percentage of data migration.
    Details                             CacheDetail        `json:"details,omitempty"`                             // Details of the content caching. Seems redundant, but it helps with struct recursion.
    GUID                                string             `json:"guid,omitempty"`                                // GUID of the caching server.
    Healthy                             bool               `json:"healthy,omitempty"`                             // Indicates if the caching server is healthy.
    MaxCachePressureLast1HourPercentage int                `json:"maxCachePressureLast1HourPercentage,omitempty"` // Max cache pressure in the last hour.
    Parents                             []ContentCaching   `json:"parents,omitempty"`                             // Parent caching servers, recursively using the same structure.
    ParentID                            string             `json:"contentCachingParentId,omitempty"`              // Parent ID of the content caching event.
    ParentDetailsID                     string             `json:"contentCachingParentDetailsId,omitempty"`       // Parent details ID of the content caching event.
    PersonalCacheBytesFree              int64              `json:"personalCacheBytesFree,omitempty"`              // Free bytes in the personal cache.
    PersonalCacheBytesLimit             int64              `json:"personalCacheBytesLimit,omitempty"`             // Limit of personal cache bytes.
    PersonalCacheBytesUsed              int64              `json:"personalCacheBytesUsed,omitempty"`              // Used bytes in the personal cache.
    Port                                int                `json:"port,omitempty"`                                // Port number for caching.
    PublicAddress                       string             `json:"publicAddress,omitempty"`                       // Public address for caching.
    RegistrationError                   string             `json:"registrationError,omitempty"`                   // Registration error message.
    RegistrationResponseCode            int                `json:"registrationResponseCode,omitempty"`            // Response code for registration.
    RegistrationStarted                 string             `json:"registrationStarted,omitempty"`                 // Start time of registration.
    RegistrationStatus                  string             `json:"registrationStatus,omitempty"`                  // Status of registration.
    RestrictedMedia                     bool               `json:"restrictedMedia,omitempty"`                     // Indicates if media is restricted.
    ServerGuid                          string             `json:"serverGuid,omitempty"`                          // GUID of the server.
    StartupStatus                       string             `json:"startupStatus,omitempty"`                       // Startup status of the caching.
    TetheratorStatus                    string             `json:"tetheratorStatus,omitempty"`                    // Tetherator status.
    TotalBytesAreSince                  string             `json:"totalBytesAreSince,omitempty"`                  // Total bytes are calculated since this time.
    TotalBytesDropped                   int64              `json:"totalBytesDropped,omitempty"`                   // Total bytes dropped.
    TotalBytesImported                  int64              `json:"totalBytesImported,omitempty"`                  // Total bytes imported.
    TotalBytesReturnedToChildren        int64              `json:"totalBytesReturnedToChildren,omitempty"`        // Total bytes returned to children.
    TotalBytesReturnedToClients         int64              `json:"totalBytesReturnedToClients,omitempty"`         // Total bytes returned to clients.
    TotalBytesReturnedToPeers           int64              `json:"totalBytesReturnedToPeers,omitempty"`           // Total bytes returned to peers.
    TotalBytesStoredFromOrigin          int64              `json:"totalBytesStoredFromOrigin,omitempty"`          // Total bytes stored from origin.
    TotalBytesStoredFromParents         int64              `json:"totalBytesStoredFromParents,omitempty"`         // Total bytes stored from parents.
    TotalBytesStoredFromPeers           int64              `json:"totalBytesStoredFromPeers,omitempty"`           // Total bytes stored from peers.
    Version                             string             `json:"version,omitempty"`                             // Version of the caching server.

type Credentials

### Jamf Client Structs --------------------------------------------------------------------- Credentials for Jamf Pro

type Credentials struct {
    Username string
    Password string
    Token    JamfToken

type DataMigrationError

DataMigrationError represents details of a data migration error.

type DataMigrationError struct {
    Code     int        `json:"code,omitempty"`     // Error code.
    Domain   string     `json:"domain,omitempty"`   // Error domain.
    UserInfo []KeyValue `json:"userInfo,omitempty"` // Additional user info.

type DataMigrationInfo

DataMigrationInfo represents additional information for a data migration error.

type DataMigrationInfo struct {
    Key   string `json:"key"`   // Key of the additional information.
    Value string `json:"value"` // Value of the additional information.

type DeviceClient

DeviceClient for chaining methods

type DeviceClient struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DeviceClient) Filter

func (dc *DeviceClient) Filter(filter string) *DeviceClient

func (*DeviceClient) GetComputerDetails

func (dc *DeviceClient) GetComputerDetails(id string) (*Computer, error)

* # Get Computer Details

func (*DeviceClient) ListAllComputerGroups

func (dc *DeviceClient) ListAllComputerGroups() (*[]GroupMembership, error)

* # Get Computer Groups

func (*DeviceClient) ListAllComputers

func (dc *DeviceClient) ListAllComputers() (*Computers, error)

* # Get Computer Devices

func (*DeviceClient) ListAllMobileDevices

func (dc *DeviceClient) ListAllMobileDevices() (*MobileDevices, error)

* # Get Mobile Devices

func (*DeviceClient) Page

func (dc *DeviceClient) Page(page int) *DeviceClient

func (*DeviceClient) PageSize

func (dc *DeviceClient) PageSize(pageSize int) *DeviceClient

func (*DeviceClient) Sections

func (dc *DeviceClient) Sections(sections []string) *DeviceClient

### Chainable DeviceClient Methods ---------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DeviceClient) Sort

func (dc *DeviceClient) Sort(sort []string) *DeviceClient

type DeviceQuery

- Query parameters for Computer Details

  • Example: Fetch details from GENERAL and HARDWARE sections section=GENERAL&section=HARDWARE

    Fetch the second page of results with 50 items per page page=1&page-size=50

    Sort by the unique device identifier in descending order and then by name in ascending order sort=udid:desc,

    RSQL Filter results where the general name is “Orchard”“Orchard”

type DeviceQuery struct {
    Sections []string `url:"section,omitempty"`   // Sections of computer details to return. If not specified, the General section data is returned. Multiple sections can be specified, e.g., section=GENERAL&section=HARDWARE.
    Page     int      `url:"page,omitempty"`      // The pagination index (starting from 0) for the query results.
    PageSize int      `url:"page-size,omitempty"` // The number of records per page. Default is 100.
    Sort     []string `url:"sort,omitempty"`      // Sorting criteria in the format: property:asc/desc. Default sort is Multiple criteria can be specified and separated by a comma.
    Filter   string   `url:"filter,omitempty"`    // RSQL query string used for filtering the computer inventory collection. The default filter is an empty query, returning all results for the requested page.

func (*DeviceQuery) IsEmpty

func (d *DeviceQuery) IsEmpty() bool

* Check if the DeviceQuery is empty

func (*DeviceQuery) ValidateQuery

func (d *DeviceQuery) ValidateQuery() error

* Validate the query parameters for Jamf devices

type Disk

Disk represents a disk in a computer.

type Disk struct {
    Device        string      `json:"device"`        // Identifier of the disk device.
    ID            string      `json:"id"`            // Unique identifier for the disk.
    Model         string      `json:"model"`         // Model of the disk.
    Partitions    []Partition `json:"partitions"`    // Partitions on the disk.
    Revision      string      `json:"revision"`      // Revision number of the disk.
    SerialNumber  string      `json:"serialNumber"`  // Serial number of the disk.
    SizeMegabytes int         `json:"sizeMegabytes"` // Total size of the disk in megabytes.
    SmartStatus   string      `json:"smartStatus"`   // S.M.A.R.T status of the disk.
    Type          string      `json:"type"`          // Type of the disk (e.g., SSD, HDD).

type DiskEncryption

DiskEncryption represents details of disk encryption on the computer.

type DiskEncryption struct {
    BootPartitionEncryptionDetails      BootPartitionDetails `json:"bootPartitionEncryptionDetails"`      // Details of the boot partition encryption.
    IndividualRecoveryKeyValidityStatus string               `json:"individualRecoveryKeyValidityStatus"` // Validity status of the individual recovery key.
    InstitutionalRecoveryKeyPresent     bool                 `json:"institutionalRecoveryKeyPresent"`     // Indicates if institutional recovery key is present.
    DiskEncryptionConfigurationName     string               `json:"diskEncryptionConfigurationName"`     // Name of the disk encryption configuration.
    FileVault2EnabledUserNames          []string             `json:"fileVault2EnabledUserNames"`          // List of usernames with FileVault 2 enabled.
    FileVault2EligibilityMessage        string               `json:"fileVault2EligibilityMessage"`        // Eligibility message for FileVault 2.

type EnrollmentMethod

EnrollmentMethod represents the method of enrollment of a computer.

type EnrollmentMethod struct {
    ID         string `json:"id"`         // Identifier of the enrollment method.
    ObjectName string `json:"objectName"` // Name of the object associated with the enrollment.
    ObjectType string `json:"objectType"` // Type of the object associated with the enrollment.

type Exclusions

Exclusions represents exclusions from the scope of the {configuration profile, policy}.

type Exclusions struct {
    Buildings       interface{}      `json:"buildings,omitempty" xml:"buildings,omitempty"`               // Buildings
    ComputerGroups  []*ComputerGroup `json:"computer_groups,omitempty" xml:"computer_groups,omitempty"`   // Computer groups.
    Computers       []*Computer      `json:"computers,omitempty" xml:"computers,omitempty"`               // Computers
    Departments     interface{}      `json:"departments,omitempty" xml:"departments,omitempty"`           // Departments
    IBeacons        []*JamfProperty  `json:"ibeacons,omitempty" xml:"ibeacons,omitempty"`                 // iBeacons
    JSSUserGroups   []*UserGroup     `json:"jss_user_groups,omitempty" xml:"jss_user_groups,omitempty"`   // JSS user groups
    JSSUsers        []*User          `json:"jss_users,omitempty" xml:"jss_users,omitempty"`               // JSS users
    NetworkSegments interface{}      `json:"network_segments,omitempty" xml:"network_segments,omitempty"` // Network segments
    UserGroups      []*UserGroup     `json:"user_groups,omitempty" xml:"user_groups,omitempty"`           // User groups
    Users           []*User          `json:"users,omitempty" xml:"users,omitempty"`                       // Users

type ExtensionAttribute

ExtensionAttribute represents the extension attributes in UserAndLocation and Purchasing.

type ExtensionAttribute struct {
    DefinitionID string   `json:"definitionId"` // Unique identifier of the definition.
    Name         string   `json:"name"`         // Name of the attribute.
    Description  string   `json:"description"`  // Description of the attribute.
    Enabled      bool     `json:"enabled"`      // Indicates if the attribute is enabled.
    MultiValue   bool     `json:"multiValue"`   // Indicates if the attribute has multiple values.
    Values       []string `json:"values"`       // List of values for the attribute.
    DataType     string   `json:"dataType"`     // Data type of the attribute.
    Options      []string `json:"options"`      // List of options for the attribute.
    InputType    string   `json:"inputType"`    // Input type of the attribute.

type Font

Font represents details of a font installed on the computer.

type Font struct {
    Name    string `json:"name,omitempty"`    // Name of the font.
    Path    string `json:"path,omitempty"`    // Path to the font.
    Version string `json:"version,omitempty"` // Version of the font.

type General

General information about the computer.

type General struct {
    AssetTag                             string               `json:"assetTag"`                             // Asset tag of the computer.
    Barcode1                             string               `json:"barcode1"`                             // First barcode value.
    Barcode2                             string               `json:"barcode2"`                             // Second barcode value.
    DistributionPoint                    string               `json:"distributionPoint"`                    // Name of the distribution point.
    EnrolledViaAutomatedDeviceEnrollment bool                 `json:"enrolledViaAutomatedDeviceEnrollment"` // Indicates if enrolled via automated device enrollment.
    EnrollmentMethod                     EnrollmentMethod     `json:"enrollmentMethod"`                     // Method of enrollment.
    ExtensionAttributes                  []ExtensionAttribute `json:"extensionAttributes"`                  // List of extension attributes.
    InitialEntryDate                     string               `json:"initialEntryDate"`                     // Date of initial entry.
    ItunesStoreAccountActive             bool                 `json:"itunesStoreAccountActive"`             // Indicates if iTunes Store account is active.
    JamfBinaryVersion                    string               `json:"jamfBinaryVersion"`                    // Version of the Jamf binary.
    LastContactTime                      string               `json:"lastContactTime"`                      // Time of last contact.
    LastEnrolledDate                     string               `json:"lastEnrolledDate"`                     // Date of last enrollment.
    LastIpAddress                        string               `json:"lastIpAddress"`                        // Last known IP address.
    LastReportedIp                       string               `json:"lastReportedIp"`                       // Last reported IP address.
    LastCloudBackupDate                  string               `json:"lastCloudBackupDate"`                  // Date of last cloud backup.
    ManagementID                         string               `json:"managementId"`                         // Management ID.
    MDMCapable                           MDMCapable           `json:"mdmCapable"`                           // MDM capability information.
    MdmProfileExpiration                 string               `json:"mdmProfileExpiration"`                 // Expiration of the MDM profile.
    Name                                 string               `json:"name"`                                 // Name of the computer.
    Platform                             string               `json:"platform"`                             // Platform of the computer (e.g., Mac).
    RemoteManagement                     RemoteManagement     `json:"remoteManagement"`                     // Remote management information.
    ReportDate                           string               `json:"reportDate"`                           // Date of report.
    Site                                 Site                 `json:"site"`                                 // Site information.
    Supervised                           bool                 `json:"supervised"`                           // Indicates if the device is supervised.
    UserApprovedMDM                      bool                 `json:"userApprovedMdm"`                      // Indicates if MDM is user-approved.
    DeclarativeDeviceManagementEnabled   bool                 `json:"declarativeDeviceManagementEnabled"`   // Indicates if declarative device management is enabled.

type GroupMembership

GroupMembership represents the membership details of a computer in a group.

type GroupMembership struct {
    GroupID    string `json:"groupId,omitempty"`    // Unique identifier of the group.
    GroupName  string `json:"groupName,omitempty"`  // Name of the group.
    SmartGroup bool   `json:"smartGroup,omitempty"` // Indicates if the group is a smart group.

type Hardware

Hardware represents the hardware details of a computer in the inventory.

type Hardware struct {
    Make                   string               `json:"make"`                   // Manufacturer of the hardware.
    Model                  string               `json:"model"`                  // Model of the hardware.
    ModelIdentifier        string               `json:"modelIdentifier"`        // Identifier for the model.
    SerialNumber           string               `json:"serialNumber"`           // Serial number of the hardware.
    ProcessorSpeedMhz      int                  `json:"processorSpeedMhz"`      // Processor speed in MHz.
    ProcessorCount         int                  `json:"processorCount"`         // Number of processors.
    CoreCount              int                  `json:"coreCount"`              // Number of cores.
    ProcessorType          string               `json:"processorType"`          // Type of processor.
    ProcessorArchitecture  string               `json:"processorArchitecture"`  // Processor architecture.
    BusSpeedMhz            int                  `json:"busSpeedMhz"`            // Bus speed in MHz.
    CacheSizeKilobytes     int                  `json:"cacheSizeKilobytes"`     // Cache size in Kilobytes.
    NetworkAdapterType     string               `json:"networkAdapterType"`     // Primary network adapter type.
    MacAddress             string               `json:"macAddress"`             // MAC address.
    AltNetworkAdapterType  string               `json:"altNetworkAdapterType"`  // Alternate network adapter type.
    AltMacAddress          string               `json:"altMacAddress"`          // Alternate MAC address.
    TotalRamMegabytes      int                  `json:"totalRamMegabytes"`      // Total RAM in Megabytes.
    OpenRamSlots           int                  `json:"openRamSlots"`           // Number of open RAM slots.
    BatteryCapacityPercent int                  `json:"batteryCapacityPercent"` // Battery capacity as a percentage.
    SmcVersion             string               `json:"smcVersion"`             // SMC version.
    NicSpeed               string               `json:"nicSpeed"`               // Network interface card speed.
    OpticalDrive           string               `json:"opticalDrive"`           // Optical drive type.
    BootRom                string               `json:"bootRom"`                // Boot ROM version.
    BleCapable             bool                 `json:"bleCapable"`             // Indicates if Bluetooth Low Energy is supported.
    SupportsIosAppInstalls bool                 `json:"supportsIosAppInstalls"` // Indicates if iOS app installs are supported.
    AppleSilicon           bool                 `json:"appleSilicon"`           // Indicates if the device has Apple Silicon.
    ExtensionAttributes    []ExtensionAttribute `json:"extensionAttributes"`    // List of extension attributes.

type History

### Jamf History Structs --------------------------------------------------------------------- History represents the complete history and configuration of a computer

type History struct {
    ComputerHistory ComputerHistory `json:"computer_history,omitempty"`

type HistoryRecord

Record represents common fields of a a historical event

type HistoryRecord struct {
    DateTime      string `json:"date_time,omitempty"`       // Date and time of the log entry
    DateTimeEpoch int64  `json:"date_time_epoch,omitempty"` // Date and time in epoch format
    DateTimeUTC   string `json:"date_time_utc,omitempty"`   // Date and time in UTC
    Event         string `json:"event,omitempty"`           // Type of event logged
    Username      string `json:"username,omitempty"`        // Username associated with the event
    Status        string `json:"status,omitempty"`          // Status of the event

type HistoryRecordApp

HistoryRecordApp represents a single application installation from the Mac App Store

type HistoryRecordApp struct {
    Deployed        string `json:"deployed,omitempty"`          // Time when the app deployment was attempted
    DeployedEpoch   int64  `json:"deployed_epoch,omitempty"`    // Deployment attempt time in epoch format
    DeployedUTC     string `json:"deployed_utc,omitempty"`      // Deployment attempt time in UTC
    LastUpdate      string `json:"last_update,omitempty"`       // Time of the last update
    LastUpdateEpoch int64  `json:"last_update_epoch,omitempty"` // Last update time in epoch format
    LastUpdateUTC   string `json:"last_update_utc,omitempty"`   // Last update time in UTC
    Name            string `json:"name,omitempty"`              // Name of the application
    Status          string `json:"status,omitempty"`            // Status of the failed installation
    SizeMB          int    `json:"size_mb,omitempty"`           // Size of the application in megabytes
    Version         string `json:"version,omitempty"`           // Version of the application

type HistoryRecordGeneral

HistoryRecordGeneral contains general information about the computer

type HistoryRecordGeneral struct {
    ID           int    `json:"id,omitempty"`            // Identifier of the computer
    MacAddress   string `json:"mac_address,omitempty"`   // MAC address of the computer
    Name         string `json:"name,omitempty"`          // Name of the computer
    SerialNumber string `json:"serial_number,omitempty"` // Serial number of the computer
    UDID         string `json:"udid,omitempty"`          // Unique Device Identifier

type Inventory

### Jamf Device Structs ---------------------------------------------------------------------

type Inventory struct {
    Computers     Computers     `json:"computers"`
    MobileDevices MobileDevices `json:"mobile_devices"`

type JamfAPIResponse

JamfResult is an interface for Jamf API responses involving pagination

type JamfAPIResponse interface {
    Total() int

type JamfProperty

### Jamf Generic Structs ---------------------------------------------------------------------

type JamfProperty struct {
    ID   interface{} `json:"id,omitempty" xml:"id,omitempty"`     // ID of the object.
    Name string      `json:"name,omitempty" xml:"name,omitempty"` // Name of the object.

type JamfToken

type JamfToken struct {
    Token   string    `json:"token"`
    Expires time.Time `json:"expires"`

func GetToken

func GetToken(baseURL string) (*JamfToken, error)

* # Create a new Jamf Token based on the credentials provided

type KeyValue

KeyValue represents a key-value pair.

type KeyValue struct {
    Key   string `json:"key,omitempty"`   // Key of the user info.
    Value string `json:"value,omitempty"` // Value of the user info.

type Limitations

Limitations represents limitations within the scope of the {configuration profile, policy}.

type Limitations struct {
    IBeacons        []*JamfProperty `json:"ibeacons,omitempty" xml:"ibeacons,omitempty"`                 // iBeacons
    NetworkSegments interface{}     `json:"network_segments,omitempty" xml:"network_segments,omitempty"` // Network segments
    UserGroups      []*UserGroup    `json:"user_groups,omitempty" xml:"user_groups,omitempty"`           // User groups
    Users           []*User         `json:"users,omitempty" xml:"users,omitempty"`                       // Users

type LocalUserAccount

LocalUserAccount represents a local user account on the computer.

type LocalUserAccount struct {
    Admin                          bool   `json:"admin,omitempty"`                          // Indicates if the user is an admin.
    AzureActiveDirectoryID         string `json:"azureActiveDirectoryId,omitempty"`         // Azure Active Directory ID.
    ComputerAzureActiveDirectoryID string `json:"computerAzureActiveDirectoryId,omitempty"` // Computer's Azure Active Directory ID.
    FileVault2Enabled              bool   `json:"fileVault2Enabled,omitempty"`              // Indicates if FileVault2 is enabled.
    FullName                       string `json:"fullName,omitempty"`                       // Full name of the user.
    HomeDirectory                  string `json:"homeDirectory,omitempty"`                  // Path to the home directory.
    HomeDirectorySizeMb            int    `json:"homeDirectorySizeMb,omitempty"`            // Size of the home directory in MB.
    PasswordHistoryDepth           int    `json:"passwordHistoryDepth,omitempty"`           // Depth of password history.
    PasswordMaxAge                 int    `json:"passwordMaxAge,omitempty"`                 // Maximum age of the password.
    PasswordMinComplexCharacters   int    `json:"passwordMinComplexCharacters,omitempty"`   // Minimum number of complex characters in password.
    PasswordMinLength              int    `json:"passwordMinLength,omitempty"`              // Minimum length of the password.
    PasswordRequireAlphanumeric    bool   `json:"passwordRequireAlphanumeric,omitempty"`    // Indicates if password requires alphanumeric characters.
    Uid                            string `json:"uid,omitempty"`                            // User ID.
    UserAccountType                string `json:"userAccountType,omitempty"`                // Type of the user account.
    UserAzureActiveDirectoryID     string `json:"userAzureActiveDirectoryId,omitempty"`     // User's Azure Active Directory ID.
    UserGuid                       string `json:"userGuid,omitempty"`                       // User GUID.
    Username                       string `json:"username,omitempty"`                       // Username.

type MDMCapable

MDMCapable represents MDM capability information of a computer.

type MDMCapable struct {
    Capable      bool     `json:"capable"`      // Indicates if the computer is MDM capable.
    CapableUsers []string `json:"capableUsers"` // List of users capable of MDM.

type MacAppStoreApplications

MacAppStoreApplications contains information about installed Mac App Store applications

type MacAppStoreApplications struct {
    Failed    []HistoryRecordApp `json:"failed,omitempty"`    // List of failed application installations
    Installed []HistoryRecordApp `json:"installed,omitempty"` // List of installed applications
    Pending   []HistoryRecordApp `json:"pending,omitempty"`   // List of pending application installations

type ManagementResponse

### Jamf Management Structs --------------------------------------------------------------------- ManagementResponse represents a generic response for device management operations.

type ManagementResponse struct {
    DeviceID         string             `json:"deviceId,omitempty"`          // The unique identifier of the device.
    CommandUUID      string             `json:"commandUuid,omitempty"`       // The UUID of the command issued to the device.
    UnprocessedUDIDs *UDIDsNotProcessed `json:"udidsNotProcessed,omitempty"` // UDIDs that were not processed, if any.

type MobileDevice

MobileDevice represents the details of a mobile device.

type MobileDevice struct {
    ID                     string `json:"id"`                     // Unique identifier for the mobile device.
    ManagementID           string `json:"managementId"`           // Management identifier for the mobile device.
    Model                  string `json:"model"`                  // Model of the mobile device.
    ModelIdentifier        string `json:"modelIdentifier"`        // Model identifier for the mobile device.
    Name                   string `json:"name"`                   // Name of the mobile device.
    PhoneNumber            string `json:"phoneNumber"`            // Phone number associated with the mobile device.
    SerialNumber           string `json:"serialNumber"`           // Serial number of the mobile device.
    SoftwareUpdateDeviceID string `json:"softwareUpdateDeviceId"` // Software update device ID.
    Type                   string `json:"type"`                   // Type of the mobile device (e.g., iOS).
    UDID                   string `json:"udid"`                   // Unique Device Identifier.
    Username               string `json:"username"`               // Username associated with the mobile device.
    WifiMacAddress         string `json:"wifiMacAddress"`         // WiFi MAC address of the mobile device.

type MobileDevices

Response structure for the Jamf Pro API for mobile devices

type MobileDevices struct {
    Results    *[]*MobileDevice `json:"results"`    // List of mobile devices.
    TotalCount int              `json:"totalCount"` // Total number of mobile devices.

func (MobileDevices) Append

func (m MobileDevices) Append(result interface{})

Append() MobileDevices Appends the results of Mobile Devices in generic functions to an existing list

func (MobileDevices) Total

func (c MobileDevices) Total() int

Total() MobileDevices returns the total number of mobile devices in generics

type OSXConfigurationProfile

OSXConfigurationProfile represents the details of a configuration profile.

type OSXConfigurationProfile struct {
    Details struct {
        General     *ConfigurationProfile `json:"general,omitempty" xml:"general,omitempty"`           // General configuration details.
        Scope       *Scope                `json:"scope,omitempty" xml:"scope,omitempty"`               // Scope of the configuration.
        SelfService *SelfService          `json:"self_service,omitempty" xml:"self_service,omitempty"` // Self-service related configurations.
    }   `json:"os_x_configuration_profile,omitempty" xml:"os_x_configuration_profile,omitempty"` // Configuration profile details.

type OSXConfigurationProfiles

### Jamf {Configuration Profile, Policy} Structs --------------------------------------------------------------------- Response structure for the Jamf Pro API for Configuration Profiles

type OSXConfigurationProfiles struct {
    List *[]*OSXConfigurationProfile `json:"os_x_configuration_profiles"` // List of configuration profiles.

type OperatingSystem

OperatingSystem represents information about the operating system of the computer.

type OperatingSystem struct {
    ActiveDirectoryStatus    string               `json:"activeDirectoryStatus,omitempty"`    // Status of Active Directory binding.
    Build                    string               `json:"build,omitempty"`                    // Build version of the operating system.
    FileVault2Status         string               `json:"fileVault2Status,omitempty"`         // Status of FileVault2 encryption.
    Name                     string               `json:"name,omitempty"`                     // Name of the operating system.
    RapidSecurityResponse    string               `json:"rapidSecurityResponse,omitempty"`    // Rapid Security Response status.
    SoftwareUpdateDeviceID   string               `json:"softwareUpdateDeviceId,omitempty"`   // Software Update Device ID.
    SupplementalBuildVersion string               `json:"supplementalBuildVersion,omitempty"` // Supplemental build version of the operating system.
    Version                  string               `json:"version,omitempty"`                  // Version of the operating system.
    ExtensionAttributes      []ExtensionAttribute `json:"extensionAttributes,omitempty"`      // List of extension attributes.

type PackageReceipts

PackageReceipts represents the package receipts on the computer.

type PackageReceipts struct {
    Cached                  []string `json:"cached,omitempty"`                  // List of packages cached.
    InstalledByInstallerSwu []string `json:"installedByInstallerSwu,omitempty"` // List of packages installed by InstallerSwu.
    InstalledByJamfPro      []string `json:"installedByJamfPro,omitempty"`      // List of packages installed by Jamf Pro.

type Partition

Partition represents a partition on a disk.

type Partition struct {
    AvailableMegabytes        int    `json:"availableMegabytes"`        // Available space in megabytes on the partition.
    FileVault2ProgressPercent int    `json:"fileVault2ProgressPercent"` // Progress percentage of FileVault2 encryption.
    FileVault2State           string `json:"fileVault2State"`           // State of FileVault2 encryption on the partition.
    LvmManaged                bool   `json:"lvmManaged"`                // Indicates if the partition is managed by Logical Volume Management.
    Name                      string `json:"name"`                      // Name of the partition.
    PartitionType             string `json:"partitionType"`             // Type of the partition (e.g., BOOT, DATA).
    PercentUsed               int    `json:"percentUsed"`               // Percentage of space used on the partition.
    SizeMegabytes             int    `json:"sizeMegabytes"`             // Total size of the partition in megabytes.

type Plugin

Plugin represents a plugin installed on the computer.

type Plugin struct {
    Name    string `json:"name,omitempty"`    // Name of the plugin.
    Path    string `json:"path,omitempty"`    // Path to the plugin.
    Version string `json:"version,omitempty"` // Version of the plugin.

type PolicyLog

PolicyLog represents a single policy execution log

type PolicyLog struct {
    DateCompleted      string `json:"date_completed,omitempty"`       // Date and time when the policy was completed
    DateCompletedEpoch int64  `json:"date_completed_epoch,omitempty"` // Completion date and time in epoch format
    DateCompletedUTC   string `json:"date_completed_utc,omitempty"`   // Completion date and time in UTC
    PolicyID           int    `json:"policy_id,omitempty"`            // Identifier of the policy
    PolicyName         string `json:"policy_name,omitempty"`          // Name of the policy
    Status             string `json:"status,omitempty"`               // Status of the policy execution
    Username           string `json:"username,omitempty"`             // Username associated with the policy execution

type Printer

Printer represents a printer in the inventory.

type Printer struct {
    Name     string `json:"name"`     // Name of the printer.
    Type     string `json:"type"`     // Type/model of the printer.
    URI      string `json:"uri"`      // URI for the printer.
    Location string `json:"location"` // Physical location of the printer.

type Purchasing

Purchasing represents the purchasing information of a computer.

type Purchasing struct {
    AppleCareID         string               `json:"appleCareId"`         // AppleCare ID.
    ExtensionAttributes []ExtensionAttribute `json:"extensionAttributes"` // List of extension attributes.
    LeaseDate           string               `json:"leaseDate"`           // Date of the lease.
    Leased              bool                 `json:"leased"`              // Indicates if the computer is leased.
    LifeExpectancy      int                  `json:"lifeExpectancy"`      // Expected life expectancy in years.
    PoDate              string               `json:"poDate"`              // Purchase order date.
    PoNumber            string               `json:"poNumber"`            // Purchase order number.
    PurchasePrice       string               `json:"purchasePrice"`       // Purchase price.
    Purchased           bool                 `json:"purchased"`           // Indicates if the computer is purchased.
    PurchasingAccount   string               `json:"purchasingAccount"`   // Account used for purchasing.
    PurchasingContact   string               `json:"purchasingContact"`   // Contact for purchasing.
    Vendor              string               `json:"vendor"`              // Vendor from where the computer is purchased.
    WarrantyDate        string               `json:"warrantyDate"`        // Date of warranty expiration.

type RemoteManagement

RemoteManagement represents remote management information of a computer.

type RemoteManagement struct {
    Managed            bool   `json:"managed"`            // Indicates if the computer is managed.
    ManagementUsername string `json:"managementUsername"` // Username for management.

type Scope

Scope represents the scope of the {configuration profile, policy}.

type Scope struct {
    AllComputers    bool             `json:"all_computers,omitempty" xml:"all_computers,omitempty"`       // If all computers are included.
    AllJSSUsers     bool             `json:"all_jss_users,omitempty" xml:"all_jss_users,omitempty"`       // If all JSS users are included.
    Buildings       interface{}      `json:"buildings,omitempty" xml:"buildings,omitempty"`               // Buildings
    ComputerGroups  []*ComputerGroup `json:"computer_groups,omitempty" xml:"computer_groups,omitempty"`   // Computer groups.
    Computers       []*Computer      `json:"computers,omitempty" xml:"computers,omitempty"`               // Computers
    Departments     interface{}      `json:"departments,omitempty" xml:"departments,omitempty"`           // Departments
    Exclusions      *Exclusions      `json:"exclusions,omitempty" xml:"exclusions,omitempty"`             // Exclusions from the scope.
    IBeacons        interface{}      `json:"ibeacons,omitempty" xml:"ibeacons,omitempty"`                 // iBeacons
    JSSUserGroups   interface{}      `json:"jss_user_groups,omitempty" xml:"jss_user_groups,omitempty"`   // JSS user groups
    JSSUsers        interface{}      `json:"jss_users,omitempty" xml:"jss_users,omitempty"`               // JSS users
    Limitations     *Limitations     `json:"limitations,omitempty" xml:"limitations,omitempty"`           // Limitations in the scope.
    NetworkSegments interface{}      `json:"network_segments,omitempty" xml:"network_segments,omitempty"` // Network segments
    Users           []*User          `json:"users,omitempty" xml:"users,omitempty"`                       // Users
    UserGroups      interface{}      `json:"user_groups,omitempty" xml:"user_groups,omitempty"`           // User groups

type Sections

### Enums -------------------------------------------------------------------- Inteded for Device Query parameters, `Sections` serves as a namespace for valid Computer Detail section constants.

type Sections struct {
    General               string
    DiskEncryption        string
    Purchasing            string
    Applications          string
    Storage               string
    UserAndLocation       string
    ConfigurationProfiles string
    Printers              string
    Services              string
    Hardware              string
    LocalUserAccounts     string
    Certificates          string
    Attachments           string
    Plugins               string
    PackageReceipts       string
    Fonts                 string
    Security              string
    OperatingSystem       string
    LicensedSoftware      string
    IBeacons              string
    SoftwareUpdates       string
    ExtensionAttributes   string
    ContentCaching        string
    GroupMemberships      string

type Security

Security represents security configurations in self-service.

type Security struct {
    RemovalDisallowed string `json:"removal_disallowed,omitempty" xml:"removal_disallowed,omitempty"` // Removal policy.

type SelfService

SelfService represents self-service configurations.

type SelfService struct {
    FeatureOnMainPage           bool        `json:"feature_on_main_page,omitempty" xml:"feature_on_main_page,omitempty"`                       // If featured on the main page.
    ForceUsersToViewDescription bool        `json:"force_users_to_view_description,omitempty" xml:"force_users_to_view_description,omitempty"` // If users are forced to view description.
    InstallButtonText           string      `json:"install_button_text,omitempty" xml:"install_button_text,omitempty"`                         // Text on the install button.
    Notification                interface{} `json:"notification,omitempty" xml:"notification,omitempty"`                                       // Notification settings
    NotificationMessage         interface{} `json:"notification_message,omitempty" xml:"notification_message,omitempty"`                       // Notification message
    NotificationSubject         string      `json:"notification_subject,omitempty" xml:"notification_subject,omitempty"`                       // Notification subject.
    RemovalDisallowed           string      `json:"removal_disallowed,omitempty" xml:"removal_disallowed,omitempty"`                           // Removal policy.
    Security                    *Security   `json:"security,omitempty" xml:"security,omitempty"`                                               // Security settings.
    SelfServiceCategories       interface{} `json:"self_service_categories,omitempty" xml:"self_service_categories,omitempty"`                 // Self-service categories
    SelfServiceDescription      interface{} `json:"self_service_description,omitempty" xml:"self_service_description,omitempty"`               // Self-service description
    SelfServiceDisplayName      string      `json:"self_service_display_name,omitempty" xml:"self_service_display_name,omitempty"`             // Display name in self-service.
    SelfServiceIcon             interface{} `json:"self_service_icon,omitempty" xml:"self_service_icon,omitempty"`                             // Self-service icon

type Service

Service represents a service in the inventory.

type Service struct {
    Name string `json:"name"` // Name of the service.

type Site

Site represents site information of a Jamf object.

type Site struct {

type SoftwareUpdate

SoftwareUpdate represents a software update available for the computer.

type SoftwareUpdate struct {
    Name        string `json:"name,omitempty"`        // Name of the software update.
    PackageName string `json:"packageName,omitempty"` // Package name of the software update.
    Version     string `json:"version,omitempty"`     // Version of the software update.

type SortOptions

Inteded for Device Query parameters, `SortOptions serves as a namespace for valid sort criteria constants.

type SortOptions struct {
    GeneralName                          string
    UDID                                 string
    ID                                   string
    GeneralAssetTag                      string
    GeneralJamfBinaryVersion             string
    GeneralLastContactTime               string
    GeneralLastEnrolledDate              string
    GeneralLastCloudBackupDate           string
    GeneralReportDate                    string
    GeneralRemoteManagementUsername      string
    GeneralMDMCertificateExpiration      string
    GeneralPlatform                      string
    HardwareMake                         string
    HardwareModel                        string
    OperatingSystemBuild                 string
    OperatingSystemSupplementalBuild     string
    OperatingSystemRapidSecurityResponse string
    OperatingSystemName                  string
    OperatingSystemVersion               string
    UserAndLocationRealname              string
    PurchasingLifeExpectancy             string
    PurchasingWarrantyDate               string

type Storage

Storage represents the storage details of a computer.

type Storage struct {
    BootDriveAvailableSpaceMegabytes int    `json:"bootDriveAvailableSpaceMegabytes"` // Available space in megabytes on the boot drive.
    Disks                            []Disk `json:"disks"`                            // List of disks in the computer.

type UDIDsNotProcessed

UDIDsNotProcessed represents a list of UDIDs that were not processed.

type UDIDsNotProcessed struct {
    UDIDs []string `json:"udids"` // List of UDIDs that were not processed.

type User

User represents the details of a JSS User.

type User struct {
    CustomPhotoURL       string                `json:"custom_photo_url,omitempty" xml:"custom_photo_url,omitempty"`               // Custom photo URL of the user.
    Email                string                `json:"email,omitempty" xml:"email,omitempty"`                                     // Email of the user.
    EmailAddress         string                `json:"email_address,omitempty" xml:"email_address,omitempty"`                     // Email address of the user.
    EnableCustomPhotoURL bool                  `json:"enable_custom_photo_url,omitempty" xml:"enable_custom_photo_url,omitempty"` // Indicates if custom photo URL is enabled.
    ExtensionAttributes  []*ExtensionAttribute `json:"extension_attributes,omitempty" xml:"extension_attributes,omitempty"`       // Extension attributes
    FullName             string                `json:"full_name,omitempty" xml:"full_name,omitempty"`                             // Full name of the user.
    LDAPServer           []*JamfProperty       `json:"ldap_server,omitempty" xml:"ldap_server,omitempty"`                         // LDAP server information.
    Links                []*UserLink           `json:"links,omitempty" xml:"links,omitempty"`                                     // Links associated with the user.
    ManagedAppleID       string                `json:"managed_apple_id,omitempty" xml:"managed_apple_id,omitempty"`               // Managed Apple ID.
    PhoneNumber          string                `json:"phone_number,omitempty" xml:"phone_number,omitempty"`                       // Phone number of the user.
    Position             string                `json:"position,omitempty" xml:"position,omitempty"`                               // Position of the user.
    Sites                []*Site               `json:"sites,omitempty" xml:"sites,omitempty"`                                     // Sites
    UserGroups           []*UserGroup          `json:"user_groups,omitempty" xml:"user_groups,omitempty"`                         // Groups the user belongs to.

type UserAndLocation

UserAndLocation represents user and location information of a computer.

type UserAndLocation struct {
    Username            string               `json:"username"`            // Username associated with the computer.
    Realname            string               `json:"realname"`            // Real name of the user.
    Email               string               `json:"email"`               // Email address of the user.
    Position            string               `json:"position"`            // Position or title of the user.
    Phone               string               `json:"phone"`               // Phone number of the user.
    DepartmentID        string               `json:"departmentId"`        // Department ID.
    BuildingID          string               `json:"buildingId"`          // Building ID.
    Room                string               `json:"room"`                // Room number or name.
    ExtensionAttributes []ExtensionAttribute `json:"extensionAttributes"` // List of extension attributes.

type UserGroup

UserGroup represents a group that a user belongs to.

type UserGroup struct {
    IsSmart bool `json:"is_smart,omitempty" xml:"is_smart,omitempty"` // Indicates if the group is a smart group.

type UserLink

UserLink represents a link associated with a user.

type UserLink struct {
    Computer          []*Computer `json:"computer,omitempty" xml:"computer,omitempty"`                         // Computer information.
    TotalVPPCodeCount int         `json:"total_vpp_code_count,omitempty" xml:"total_vpp_code_count,omitempty"` // Total VPP code count.

type UserLocation

UserLocation represents the location information of a user

type UserLocation struct {
    Building     string `json:"building,omitempty"`      // Building where the user is located
    Department   string `json:"department,omitempty"`    // Department of the user
    EmailAddress string `json:"email_address,omitempty"` // Email address of the user
    FullName     string `json:"full_name,omitempty"`     // Full name of the user
    PhoneNumber  string `json:"phone_number,omitempty"`  // Phone number of the user
    Position     string `json:"position,omitempty"`      // Position or job title of the user
    Room         string `json:"room,omitempty"`          // Room where the user is located

type Users

### Jamf User Structs --------------------------------------------------------------------- Response structure for the Jamf Pro API for Configuration Profiles

type Users struct {
    List *[]*User `json:"users"` // List of JSS users

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