

Explore the following sections to learn more:


import ""







const (
    BaseURL = "" //


# ErrorDetails is a map of error codes to error messages. - For errors that are not listed in the ErrorDetails map, you can refer to the source at to understand the possible causes of the error.

var ErrorDetails = map[string]string{
    "as_user_not_supported":                    "The as_user parameter does not function with workspace apps.",
    "channel_not_found":                        "Value passed for channel was invalid.",
    "duplicate_channel_not_found":              "Channel associated with client_msg_id was invalid.",
    "duplicate_message_not_found":              "No duplicate message exists associated with client_msg_id.",
    "ekm_access_denied":                        "Administrators have suspended the ability to post a message.",
    "invalid_blocks":                           "Blocks submitted with this message are not valid",
    "invalid_blocks_format":                    "The blocks is not a valid JSON object or doesn't match the Block Kit syntax.",
    "invalid_metadata_format":                  "Invalid metadata format provided",
    "invalid_metadata_schema":                  "Invalid metadata schema provided",
    "is_archived":                              "Channel has been archived.",
    "message_limit_exceeded":                   "Members on this team are sending too many messages. For more details, see",
    "messages_tab_disabled":                    "Messages tab for the app is disabled.",
    "metadata_must_be_sent_from_app":           "Message metadata can only be posted or updated using an app token",
    "metadata_too_large":                       "Metadata exceeds size limit",
    "msg_too_long":                             "Message text is too long",
    "no_text":                                  "No message text provided",
    "not_in_channel":                           "Cannot post user messages to a channel they are not in.",
    "rate_limited":                             "Application has posted too many messages, read the Rate Limit documentation for more information",
    "restricted_action":                        "A workspace preference prevents the authenticated user from posting.",
    "restricted_action_non_threadable_channel": "Cannot post thread replies into a non_threadable channel.",
    "restricted_action_read_only_channel":      "Cannot post any message into a read-only channel.",
    "restricted_action_thread_locked":          "Cannot post replies to a thread that has been locked by admins.",
    "restricted_action_thread_only_channel":    "Cannot post top-level messages into a thread-only channel.",
    "slack_connect_canvas_sharing_blocked":     "Admin has disabled Canvas File sharing in all Slack Connect communications",
    "slack_connect_file_link_sharing_blocked":  "Admin has disabled Slack File sharing in all Slack Connect communications",
    "team_access_not_granted":                  "The token used is not granted the specific workspace access required to complete this request.",
    "too_many_attachments":                     "Too many attachments were provided with this message. A maximum of 100 attachments are allowed on a message.",
    "too_many_contact_cards":                   "Too many contact_cards were provided with this message. A maximum of 10 contact cards are allowed on a message.",
    "cannot_reply_to_message":                  "This message type cannot have thread replies.",
    "access_denied":                            "Access to a resource specified in the request is denied.",
    "account_inactive":                         "Authentication token is for a deleted user or workspace when using a bot token.",
    "deprecated_endpoint":                      "The endpoint has been deprecated.",
    "enterprise_is_restricted":                 "The method cannot be called from an Enterprise.",
    "invalid_auth":                             "Some aspect of authentication cannot be validated. Either the provided token is invalid or the request originates from an IP address disallowed from making the request.",
    "method_deprecated":                        "The method has been deprecated.",
    "missing_scope":                            "The token used is not granted the specific scope permissions required to complete this request.",
    "not_allowed_token_type":                   "The token type used in this request is not allowed.",
    "not_authed":                               "No authentication token provided.",
    "no_permission":                            "The workspace token used in this request does not have the permissions necessary to complete the request. Make sure your app is a member of the conversation it's attempting to post a message to.",
    "org_login_required":                       "The workspace is undergoing an enterprise migration and will not be available until migration is complete.",
    "token_expired":                            "Authentication token has expired",
    "token_revoked":                            "Authentication token is for a deleted user or workspace or the app has been removed when using a user token.",
    "two_factor_setup_required":                "Two factor setup is required.",
    "accesslimited":                            "Access to this method is limited on the current network",
    "fatal_error":                              "The server could not complete your operation(s) without encountering a catastrophic error. It's possible some aspect of the operation succeeded before the error was raised.",
    "internal_error":                           "The server could not complete your operation(s) without encountering an error, likely due to a transient issue on our end. It's possible some aspect of the operation succeeded before the error was raised.",
    "invalid_arg_name":                         "The method was passed an argument whose name falls outside the bounds of accepted or expected values. This includes very long names and names with non-alphanumeric characters other than _. If you get this error, it is typically an indication that you have made a very malformed API call.",
    "invalid_arguments":                        "The method was either called with invalid arguments or some detail about the arguments passed is invalid, which is more likely when using complex arguments like blocks or attachments.",
    "invalid_array_arg":                        "The method was passed an array as an argument. Please only input valid strings.",
    "invalid_charset":                          "The method was called via a POST request, but the charset specified in the Content-Type header was invalid. Valid charset names are: utf-8 iso-8859-1.",
    "invalid_form_data":                        "The method was called via a POST request with Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data, but the form data was either missing or syntactically invalid.",
    "invalid_post_type":                        "The method was called via a POST request, but the specified Content-Type was invalid. Valid types are: application/json application/x-www-form-urlencoded multipart/form-data text/plain.",
    "missing_post_type":                        "The method was called via a POST request and included a data payload, but the request did not include a Content-Type header.",
    "ratelimited":                              "The request has been ratelimited. Refer to the Retry-After header for when you may make your next request.",
    "request_timeout":                          "The method was called via a POST request, but the POST data was either missing or truncated.",
    "service_unavailable":                      "The service is temporarily unavailable",
    "team_added_to_org":                        "The workspace associated with your request is currently undergoing migration to an Enterprise Organization. Web API and other platform operations will be intermittently unavailable until the transition is complete.",
    "user_access_not_granted":                  "The user token used in this request does not have the permissions necessary to complete the request.",

var WarningDetails = map[string]string{
    "message_truncated":   "The text field of a message should have no more than 40,000 characters. We truncate really long messages.",
    "missing_charset":     "The method was called via a POST request, and recommended practice for the specified Content-Type is to include a charset parameter. However, no charset was present. Specifically, non-form-data content types (e.g. text/plain) are the ones for which charset is recommended.",
    "superfluous_charset": "The method was called via a POST request, and the specified Content-Type is not defined to understand the charset parameter. However, charset was in fact present. Specifically, form-data content types (e.g. multipart/form-data) are the ones for which charset is superfluous.",

type Authorization

type Authorization struct {
    EnterpriseID        interface{} `json:"enterprise_id,omitempty"`         // ID of the enterprise (undefined, will revisit later)
    TeamID              string      `json:"team_id,omitempty"`               // ID of the team/workspace
    UserID              string      `json:"user_id,omitempty"`               // ID of the user or bot user in the workspace
    IsBot               bool        `json:"is_bot,omitempty"`                // Indicates whether this is a bot user
    IsEnterpriseInstall bool        `json:"is_enterprise_install,omitempty"` // Indicates whether this app was installed in an entire enterprise org

type Block

type Block struct {
    Type     string    `json:"type,omitempty"`     // Type of the block, here it's rich_text
    BlockID  string    `json:"block_id,omitempty"` // ID of the block
    Elements []Element `json:"elements,omitempty"` // Elements in the block

type Channel

Channel represents the information about a channel in the Slack ‘users.conversations’ method.

type Channel struct {
    Created            int64         `json:"created"`                   // Channel creation timestamp.
    Creator            string        `json:"creator"`                   // User ID of the channel's creator.
    ID                 string        `json:"id"`                        // Channel ID.
    IsArchived         bool          `json:"is_archived"`               // Indicates if the channel is archived.
    IsChannel          bool          `json:"is_channel"`                // Indicates if the object is a channel.
    IsExtShared        bool          `json:"is_ext_shared"`             // Indicates if the channel is externally shared.
    IsGeneral          bool          `json:"is_general"`                // Indicates if the channel is a general channel.
    IsGroup            bool          `json:"is_group"`                  // Indicates if the object is a group.
    IsIM               bool          `json:"is_im"`                     // Indicates if the object is an instant message.
    IsMPIM             bool          `json:"is_mpim"`                   // Indicates if the object is a multi-party instant message.
    IsOpen             bool          `json:"is_open,omitempty"`         // Indicates if the channel is open. Only applicable for certain channel types.
    IsOrgShared        bool          `json:"is_org_shared"`             // Indicates if the channel is organizationally shared.
    IsPendingExtShared bool          `json:"is_pending_ext_shared"`     // Indicates if the channel is pending external sharing.
    IsPrivate          bool          `json:"is_private"`                // Indicates if the channel is private.
    IsShared           bool          `json:"is_shared"`                 // Indicates if the channel is shared.
    IsUserDeleted      bool          `json:"is_user_deleted,omitempty"` // Indicates if the user is deleted. Only applicable for certain channel types.
    Name               string        `json:"name"`                      // Channel name.
    NameNormalized     string        `json:"name_normalized"`           // Normalized channel name.
    PendingShared      []interface{} `json:"pending_shared"`            // List of pending shared channel IDs.
    Priority           float64       `json:"priority,omitempty"`        // Channel priority.
    PreviousNames      []string      `json:"previous_names"`            // List of previous names for the channel.
    Purpose            Purpose       `json:"purpose"`                   // Purpose information of the channel.
    Topic              Topic         `json:"topic"`                     // Topic information of the channel.
    Unlinked           int           `json:"unlinked"`                  // Unlinked count of the channel.
    User               string        `json:"user,omitempty"`            // User ID associated with the channel. Only applicable for certain channel types.

type Client

### Slack Client Structs ---------------------------------------------------------------------

type Client struct {
    BaseURL       string           // BaseURL is the base URL for Slack API requests.
    BotID         string           // The ID of the bot in current workspace
    HTTP          *requests.Client // HTTP client used to make HTTP requests.
    Error         *Error           // Error is the error response from the last request made by the client.
    Log           *log.Logger      // Log is the logger used to log information about the client.
    Token         string           // Authentication token for the Slack API.
    SigningSecret string           // Signing secret for bots
    Cache         *cache.Cache     // Cache is the cache used to store responses from the Slack API.

func NewClient

func NewClient(verbosity int) *Client

- # Generate Slack Client

  • @param log *log.Logger
  • @return *Client
  • Example:


startServer1 := flag.Bool("startServer1", false, "Start server 1")

s := slack.NewClient(log.DEBUG)

if *startServer1 {
	handlers := server.Handler{
		"/slack/events":           s.EventHandler,
		"/slack/command/userlist": s.CommandHandler,
	go server.StartServer("", handlers)


func (*Client) BuildURL

func (c *Client) BuildURL(endpoint string, identifiers ...interface{}) string

BuildURL builds a URL for a given resource and identifiers.

func (*Client) CommandHandler

func (c *Client) CommandHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)

func (*Client) EventHandler

func (c *Client) EventHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)

func (*Client) GetBotID

func (c *Client) GetBotID() (string, error)

func (*Client) GetUserChannels

func (c *Client) GetUserChannels(userID string) (*UserChannels, error)

func (*Client) ListUsers

func (c *Client) ListUsers() (*Users, error)

func (*Client) SendMessage

func (c *Client) SendMessage(e *Event, m *SlackMessage) error

func (*Client) SendReply

func (c *Client) SendReply(e *Event, m *SlackMessage) error

func (*Client) VerifyRequest

func (c *Client) VerifyRequest(r *http.Request, body []byte) bool

type Element

type Element struct {
    Type     string         `json:"type,omitempty"`     // Type of the element, here it's rich_text_section
    Elements []InnerElement `json:"elements,omitempty"` // Inner elements in the element

type Error

Error represents the common error response from the Slack methods.

type Error struct {
    Ok    bool   `json:"ok,omitempty"`    // Indicates whether the request was successful.
    Error string `json:"error,omitempty"` // Describes the error that occurred.

type Event

type Event struct {
    ClientMsgID string  `json:"client_msg_id,omitempty"` // Client-specified ID for this message
    Type        string  `json:"type,omitempty"`          // Type of the event, here it's app_mention
    Text        string  `json:"text,omitempty"`          // Text in the message that mentions the app
    User        string  `json:"user,omitempty"`          // ID of the user that sent this message
    TS          string  `json:"ts,omitempty"`            // Timestamp when this message was sent
    Blocks      []Block `json:"blocks,omitempty"`        // Blocks in the message
    Team        string  `json:"team,omitempty"`          // ID of the team/workspace where this event occurred
    Channel     string  `json:"channel,omitempty"`       // ID of the channel where this event occurred
    EventTS     string  `json:"event_ts,omitempty"`      // Timestamp when this event happened

type EventCallback

type EventCallback struct {
    Token              string          `json:"token,omitempty"`                 // Verification token to verify that the incoming request is from Slack
    TeamID             string          `json:"team_id,omitempty"`               // ID of the team/workspace where the event occurred
    APIAppID           string          `json:"api_app_id,omitempty"`            // App ID of the app that has been installed in this workspace
    Type               string          `json:"type,omitempty"`                  // Type of the callback, it's always event_callback
    Event              Event           `json:"event,omitempty"`                 // Details of the event
    EventID            string          `json:"event_id,omitempty"`              // Globally unique ID for this event
    EventTime          int64           `json:"event_time,omitempty"`            // Time when the event happened
    Authorizations     []Authorization `json:"authorizations,omitempty"`        // Information about the authorizations for this workspace and event
    IsExtSharedChannel bool            `json:"is_ext_shared_channel,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the event is in a shared channel
    EventContext       string          `json:"event_context,omitempty"`         // Event context (undefined, will revisit later)

type InnerElement

type InnerElement struct {
    Type   string `json:"type,omitempty"`    // Type of the inner element, it can be user or text
    UserID string `json:"user_id,omitempty"` // ID of the user, this field is present when the type is user
    Text   string `json:"text,omitempty"`    // Text of the inner element, this field is present when the type is text

type Member

Member represents a member in the Slack users.list method response.

type Member struct {
    Color             string  `json:"color,omitempty"`               // Member's color code.
    Deleted           bool    `json:"deleted,omitempty"`             // Whether the member is deleted.
    Has2FA            bool    `json:"has_2fa,omitempty"`             // Whether the member has two-factor authentication enabled.
    ID                string  `json:"id"`                            // Member's unique identifier.
    IsAdmin           bool    `json:"is_admin,omitempty"`            // Whether the member is an administrator.
    IsAppUser         bool    `json:"is_app_user,omitempty"`         // Whether the member is an app user.
    IsBot             bool    `json:"is_bot,omitempty"`              // Whether the member is a bot.
    IsOwner           bool    `json:"is_owner,omitempty"`            // Whether the member is an owner.
    IsPrimaryOwner    bool    `json:"is_primary_owner,omitempty"`    // Whether the member is the primary owner.
    IsRestricted      bool    `json:"is_restricted,omitempty"`       // Whether the member is restricted.
    IsUltraRestricted bool    `json:"is_ultra_restricted,omitempty"` // Whether the member is ultra-restricted.
    Name              string  `json:"name"`                          // Member's username.
    Profile           Profile `json:"profile,omitempty"`             // Member's profile information.
    RealName          string  `json:"real_name,omitempty"`           // Member's real name.
    TeamID            string  `json:"team_id"`                       // Team identifier.
    TZ                string  `json:"tz,omitempty"`                  // Member's time zone.
    TzLabel           string  `json:"tz_label,omitempty"`            // Label for the time zone.
    TzOffset          int     `json:"tz_offset,omitempty"`           // Time zone offset in seconds.
    Updated           int64   `json:"updated,omitempty"`             // Timestamp for when the member was updated.

type Metadata

Metadata represents the response metadata in the Slack users.list method response.

type Metadata struct {
    NextCursor string `json:"next_cursor,omitempty"` // Next cursor for pagination.

type Profile

Profile represents a member’s profile in the Slack users.list method response.

type Profile struct {
    AvatarHash            string `json:"avatar_hash,omitempty"`             // Avatar hash.
    DisplayName           string `json:"display_name,omitempty"`            // Display name.
    DisplayNameNormalized string `json:"display_name_normalized,omitempty"` // Normalized display name.
    Email                 string `json:"email,omitempty"`                   // Email address.
    FirstName             string `json:"first_name,omitempty"`              // First name.
    Image1024             string `json:"image_1024,omitempty"`              // Image URL (1024x1024).
    Image192              string `json:"image_192,omitempty"`               // Image URL (192x192).
    Image24               string `json:"image_24,omitempty"`                // Image URL (24x24).
    Image32               string `json:"image_32,omitempty"`                // Image URL (32x32).
    Image48               string `json:"image_48,omitempty"`                // Image URL (48x48).
    Image512              string `json:"image_512,omitempty"`               // Image URL (512x512).
    Image72               string `json:"image_72,omitempty"`                // Image URL (72x72).
    ImageOriginal         string `json:"image_original,omitempty"`          // Original image URL.
    LastName              string `json:"last_name,omitempty"`               // Last name.
    Phone                 string `json:"phone,omitempty"`                   // Phone number.
    RealName              string `json:"real_name,omitempty"`               // Real name.
    RealNameNormalized    string `json:"real_name_normalized,omitempty"`    // Normalized real name.
    Skype                 string `json:"skype,omitempty"`                   // Skype ID.
    StatusEmoji           string `json:"status_emoji,omitempty"`            // Status emoji.
    StatusText            string `json:"status_text,omitempty"`             // Status text.
    Team                  string `json:"team,omitempty"`                    // Team ID.
    Title                 string `json:"title,omitempty"`                   // Title.

type Purpose

Purpose represents the purpose information of a channel in the Slack ‘users.conversations’ method.

type Purpose struct {
    Creator string `json:"creator"`  // User ID of the purpose's creator.
    LastSet int64  `json:"last_set"` // Timestamp of when the purpose was last set.
    Value   string `json:"value"`    // Purpose value or content.

type ResponseMetadata

ResponseMetadata represents the metadata related to a response in the Slack ‘users.conversations’ method.

type ResponseMetadata struct {
    NextCursor string `json:"next_cursor"` // Cursor for pagination.

type SlackChallenge

### Slack Event Structs ---------------------------------------------------------------------

type SlackChallenge struct {
    Token     string `json:"token,omitempty"`     // Verification token to verify that the incoming request is from Slack
    Challenge string `json:"challenge,omitempty"` // Challenge string used to verify the URL
    Type      string `json:"type,omitempty"`      // Type of the callback, it's always url_verification

type SlackMessage

### Slack Message Structs ---------------------------------------------------------------------

type SlackMessage struct {
    AsUser         bool   `json:"as_user,omitempty"`         // Optional. (Legacy) Post the message as the authed user instead of as a bot.
    Attachments    string `json:"attachments,omitempty"`     // Optional. A JSON-based array of structured attachments, presented as a URL-encoded string.
    Blocks         string `json:"blocks,omitempty"`          // Optional. A JSON-based array of structured blocks, presented as a URL-encoded string.
    Channel        string `json:"channel"`                   // Required. Channel, private group, or IM channel to send the message to. Can be an encoded ID, or a name.
    IconEmoji      string `json:"icon_emoji,omitempty"`      // Optional. Emoji to use as the icon for this message. Overrides icon_url.
    IconURL        string `json:"icon_url,omitempty"`        // Optional. URL to an image to use as the icon for this message.
    LinkNames      bool   `json:"link_names,omitempty"`      // Optional. Find and link user groups.
    Metadata       string `json:"metadata,omitempty"`        // Optional. JSON object with event_type and event_payload fields. Metadata posted to Slack is accessible to members of that workspace.
    Markdown       bool   `json:"mrkdwn,omitempty"`          // Optional. Disable or enable Slack markup parsing.
    Parse          string `json:"parse,omitempty"`           // Optional. Change how messages are treated.
    ReplyBroadcast bool   `json:"reply_broadcast,omitempty"` // Optional. Indicates whether reply should be visible to everyone in the channel or conversation.
    Text           string `json:"text,omitempty"`            // Optional. The formatted text of the message to be published. Used as fallback text if blocks are included.
    ThreadTS       string `json:"thread_ts,omitempty"`       // Optional. Provide another message's ts value to make this message a reply.
    Token          string `json:"token"`                     // Required. Authentication token bearing required scopes.
    UnfurlLinks    bool   `json:"unfurl_links,omitempty"`    // Optional. Enable unfurling of primarily text-based content.
    UnfurlMedia    bool   `json:"unfurl_media,omitempty"`    // Optional. Disable or enable unfurling of media content.
    Username       string `json:"username,omitempty"`        // Optional. Set your bot's user name.

type SlackTokenPayload

type SlackTokenPayload struct {
    T string // Token for authentication

type SlashCommand

### Slack Command Structs ---------------------------------------------------------------------

type SlashCommand struct {
    Token       string `url:"token,omitempty"`
    TeamID      string `url:"team_id,omitempty"`
    ChannelID   string `url:"channel_id,omitempty"`
    UserName    string `url:"user_name,omitempty"`
    Command     string `url:"command,omitempty"`
    Text        string `url:"text,omitempty"`
    ResponseURL string `url:"response_url"`

type Topic

Topic represents the topic information of a channel in the Slack ‘users.conversations’ method.

type Topic struct {
    Creator string `json:"creator"`  // User ID of the topic's creator.
    LastSet int64  `json:"last_set"` // Timestamp of when the topic was last set.
    Value   string `json:"value"`    // Topic value or content.

type UserChannels

### Slack Channel Structs --------------------------------------------------------------------- UserChannels represents the response from the Slack ‘users.conversations’ method.

type UserChannels struct {
    Channels         []Channel        `json:"channels"`          // List of channel information.
    OK               bool             `json:"ok"`                // Indicates the success status.
    ResponseMetadata ResponseMetadata `json:"response_metadata"` // Metadata related to the response, including pagination information.

type UserParameters

UserParameters represents the common parameters for the Slack ‘users.list’ and ‘users.conversations’ methods. See the [source](// and [source](// for more details.

type UserParameters struct {
    Cursor          string `json:"cursor,omitempty"`           // Paginate through collections by setting the cursor parameter to a next_cursor attribute returned by a previous request's response_metadata.
    ExcludeArchived bool   `json:"exclude_archived,omitempty"` // Set to true to exclude archived channels from the list.
    IncludeLocale   bool   `json:"include_locale,omitempty"`   // Set this to true to receive the locale for users.
    Limit           int    `json:"limit,omitempty"`            // The maximum number of items to return, up to 999.
    Pretty          bool   `json:"pretty,omitempty"`           // Make the response pretty JSON or not
    TeamID          string `json:"team_id,omitempty"`          // Encoded team id to list users in or conversations in, required if org token is used.
    Token           string `json:"token"`                      // Authentication token bearing required scopes.
    Types           string `json:"types,omitempty"`            // Mix and match channel types, e.g., "im,mpim".
    User            string `json:"user,omitempty"`             // Browse conversations by a specific user ID's membership.

type Users

### Slack User Structs --------------------------------------------------------------------- UsersListResponse represents the common successful response from the Slack users.list method.

type Users struct {
    CacheTS          int64    `json:"cache_ts,omitempty"`          // Cache timestamp.
    Members          []Member `json:"members,omitempty"`           // List of members.
    OK               bool     `json:"ok"`                          // Response status.
    ResponseMetadata Metadata `json:"response_metadata,omitempty"` // Metadata for the response.

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