

Explore the following sections to learn more:


import ""








const (
    Assets           = "%s/hardware"             //
    Fields           = "%s/fields"               //
    FieldSets        = "%s/fieldsets"            //
    Companies        = "%s/companies"            //
    Locations        = "%s/locations"            //
    Accessories      = "%s/accessories"          //
    Consumables      = "%s/consumables"          //
    Components       = "%s/components"           //
    Users            = "%s/users"                //
    StatusLabels     = "%s/statuslabels"         //
    Models           = "%s/models"               //
    Licenses         = "%s/licenses"             //
    Categories       = "%s/categories"           //
    Manufacturers    = "%s/manufacturers"        //
    Suppliers        = "%s/suppliers"            //
    AssetMaintenance = "%s/hardware/maintenance" //
    Departments      = "%s/departments"          //
    Groups           = "%s/groups"               //
    Settings         = "%s/settings"             //
    Reports          = "%s/reports"              //


var (
    BaseURL = fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/api/v1", "%s") //

type Accessory

Accessory represents an individual accessory.

type Accessory struct {
    *SnipeIT        `json:",inline"`
    Category        *Record `json:"category,omitempty"`          // Name and ID of the accessory's category
    Image           string  `json:"image,omitempty"`             // URL of the accessory's image
    MinQty          int     `json:"min_qty,omitempty"`           // Minimum quantity of the accessory
    ModelNumber     string  `json:"model_number,omitempty"`      // Model number of the accessory
    Notes           string  `json:"notes,omitempty"`             // Notes about the accessory
    OrderNumber     string  `json:"order_number,omitempty"`      // Order number associated with the accessory
    PurchaseCost    string  `json:"purchase_cost,omitempty"`     // Purchase cost of the accessory
    PurchaseDate    string  `json:"purchase_date,omitempty"`     // Purchase date of the accessory
    Qty             int     `json:"qty,omitempty"`               // Quantity of the accessory
    RemainingQty    int     `json:"remaining_qty,omitempty"`     // Remaining quantity of the accessory
    UserCanCheckout bool    `json:"user_can_checkout,omitempty"` // If the user can checkout the accessory

type AccessoryClient

AccessoriesClient for chaining methods

type AccessoryClient struct {

func (*AccessoryClient) GetAllAccessories

func (c *AccessoryClient) GetAllAccessories() (*AccessoryList, error)

* # List all Accessories in Snipe-IT

type AccessoryList

### Accessories ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source:

type AccessoryList = PaginatedList[Accessory]

type AccessoryQuery

* Query Parameters for Accessories

type AccessoryQuery struct {
    Limit       int    `url:"limit,omitempty"`        // Specify the number of results you wish to return. Defaults to 50.
    Offset      int    `url:"offset,omitempty"`       // Specify the number of results to skip before starting to return items. Defaults to 0.
    Search      string `url:"search,omitempty"`       // Search for an asset by asset tag, serial, or model number.
    OrderNumber string `url:"order_number,omitempty"` // Return only assets associated with the specified order number.
    Sort        string `url:"sort,omitempty"`         // Sort the results by the specified column. Defaults to id.
    Order       string `url:"order,omitempty"`        // Sort the results in the specified order. Defaults to asc.
    Expand      string `url:"expand,omitempty"`       // Expand the results to include full details of the associated model, category, and manufacturer.

func (*AccessoryQuery) Copy

func (q *AccessoryQuery) Copy() QueryInterface

### AccessoryQuery implements QueryInterface ---------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*AccessoryQuery) GetLimit

func (q *AccessoryQuery) GetLimit() int

func (*AccessoryQuery) GetOffset

func (q *AccessoryQuery) GetOffset() int

func (*AccessoryQuery) SetLimit

func (q *AccessoryQuery) SetLimit(limit int)

func (*AccessoryQuery) SetOffset

func (q *AccessoryQuery) SetOffset(offset int)

type AssetClient

AssetClient for chaining methods

type AssetClient struct {

func (*AssetClient) CreateAsset

func (c *AssetClient) CreateAsset(p *Hardware[HardwarePOST]) (*Hardware[HardwarePOST], error)

* # Create an asset in Snipe-IT

func (*AssetClient) DeleteAsset

func (c *AssetClient) DeleteAsset(id int64) (string, error)

* # Delete an asset in Snipe-IT

func (*AssetClient) GetAllAssets

func (c *AssetClient) GetAllAssets() (*HardwareList, error)

* List all Hardware Assets in Snipe-IT

func (*AssetClient) GetAssetBySerial

func (c *AssetClient) GetAssetBySerial(serial string) (*Hardware[HardwareGET], error)

* Get Hardware Assets by Serial

func (*AssetClient) GetAssetByTag

func (c *AssetClient) GetAssetByTag(tag string) (*Hardware[HardwareGET], error)

* Get Hardware Assets by Tag

func (*AssetClient) PartialUpdateAsset

func (c *AssetClient) PartialUpdateAsset(id uint32, h *Hardware[HardwarePUTPATCH]) (*Hardware[HardwarePUTPATCH], error)

Partially updates a specific asset in Snipe-IT

type AssetQuery

* Query Parameters for Assets

type AssetQuery struct {
    Limit          int    `url:"limit,omitempty"`           // Specify the number of results you wish to return. Defaults to 50.
    Offset         int    `url:"offset,omitempty"`          // Specify the number of results to skip before starting to return items. Defaults to 0.
    Search         string `url:"search,omitempty"`          // Search for an asset by asset tag, serial, or model number.
    OrderNumber    string `url:"order_number,omitempty"`    // Return only assets associated with the specified order number.
    Sort           string `url:"sort,omitempty"`            // Sort the results by the specified column. Defaults to id.
    Order          string `url:"order,omitempty"`           // Sort the results in the specified order. Defaults to asc.
    ModelID        int    `url:"model_id,omitempty"`        // Return only assets associated with the specified model ID.
    CategoryID     int    `url:"category_id,omitempty"`     // Return only assets associated with the specified category ID.
    ManufacturerID int    `url:"manufacturer_id,omitempty"` // Return only assets associated with the specified manufacturer ID.
    CompanyID      int    `url:"company_id,omitempty"`      // Return only assets associated with the specified company ID.
    LocationID     int    `url:"location_id,omitempty"`     // Return only assets associated with the specified location ID.
    Status         string `url:"status,omitempty"`          // Optionally restrict asset results to one of these status types: RTD, Deployed, Undeployable, Deleted, Archived, Requestable
    StatusID       int    `url:"status_id,omitempty"`       // Return only assets associated with the specified status ID.

func (*AssetQuery) Copy

func (q *AssetQuery) Copy() QueryInterface

### AssetQuery implements QueryInterface ---------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*AssetQuery) GetLimit

func (q *AssetQuery) GetLimit() int

func (*AssetQuery) GetOffset

func (q *AssetQuery) GetOffset() int

func (*AssetQuery) SetLimit

func (q *AssetQuery) SetLimit(limit int)

func (*AssetQuery) SetOffset

func (q *AssetQuery) SetOffset(offset int)

type AvailableActions

AvailableActions represents the available actions for a hardware item.

type AvailableActions struct {
    Checkin  bool `json:"checkin,omitempty"`  // Whether check-in action is available.
    Checkout bool `json:"checkout,omitempty"` // Whether check-out action is available.
    Clone    bool `json:"clone,omitempty"`    // Whether clone action is available.
    Delete   bool `json:"delete,omitempty"`   // Whether delete action is available.
    Restore  bool `json:"restore,omitempty"`  // Whether restore action is available.
    Update   bool `json:"update,omitempty"`   // Whether update action is available.

type Category

Category represents an individual category.

type Category struct {
    *SnipeIT          `json:",inline"`
    Image             string `json:"image,omitempty"`
    CategoryType      string `json:"category_type,omitempty"`
    EULA              bool   `json:"eula,omitempty"`
    CheckinEmail      bool   `json:"checkin_email,omitempty"`
    RequireAcceptance bool   `json:"require_acceptance,omitempty"`
    AssetsCount       int64  `json:"assets_count,omitempty"`
    AccessoriesCount  int64  `json:"accessories_count,omitempty"`
    ConsumablesCount  int64  `json:"consumables_count,omitempty"`
    ComponentsCount   int64  `json:"components_count,omitempty"`
    LicensesCount     int64  `json:"licenses_count,omitempty"`

type CategoryList

### Categories ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source:

type CategoryList = PaginatedList[Category]

type Client

### SnipeIT Client Structs ---------------------------------------------------------------------

type Client struct {
    BaseURL string           // BaseURL is the base URL for the SnipeIT API.
    HTTP    *requests.Client // HTTP client for the SnipeIT API.
    Log     *log.Logger      // Log is the logger for the SnipeIT API.
    Cache   *cache.Cache     // Cache for the SnipeIT API.

func NewClient

func NewClient(verbosity int) *Client

func (*Client) Accessories

func (c *Client) Accessories() *AccessoryClient

Entry point for accessories-related operations

func (*Client) Assets

func (c *Client) Assets() *AssetClient

Entry point for asset-related operations

func (*Client) BuildURL

func (c *Client) BuildURL(endpoint string, identifiers ...interface{}) string

BuildURL builds a URL for a given resource and identifiers.

func (*Client) GetCache

func (c *Client) GetCache(key string, target interface{}) bool

* GetCache retrieves a SnipeIT API response from the cache

func (*Client) Locations

func (c *Client) Locations() *LocationClient

Entry point for locations-related operations

func (*Client) SetCache

func (c *Client) SetCache(key string, value interface{}, duration time.Duration)

* SetCache stores a SnipeIT API response in the cache

type DateInfo

DateInfo represents a date and its formatted representation.

type DateInfo struct {
    Date      string `json:"datetime,omitempty"`  // The date in yyyy-mm-dd format.
    Formatted string `json:"formatted,omitempty"` // The formatted date.

type GET

SnipeIT {GET} fields

type GET struct {
    CreatedAt *DateInfo `json:"created_at,omitempty"` // Time when the item was created.
    UpdatedAt *DateInfo `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` // Time when the item was last updated.
    DeletedAt *DateInfo `json:"deleted_at,omitempty"` // Time when the item was deleted.

    Category     *Record `json:"category,omitempty"`     // Category of the hardware item.
    Company      *Record `json:"company,omitempty"`      // {HARDWARE,USER} Company
    Department   *Record `json:"department,omitempty"`   // {USER} Department
    Depreciation *Record `json:"depreciation,omitempty"` // {MODEL} Depreciation
    Location     *Record `json:"location,omitempty"`     // {HARDWARE,MODEL,USER} Location of the entity
    Manager      *Record `json:"manager,omitempty"`      // {LOCATION,USER} Manager
    Manufacturer *Record `json:"manufacturer,omitempty"` // {ACCESSORY,HARDWARE} Manufacturer
    Parent       *Record `json:"parent,omitempty"`       // {Location} Parent of the location
    RTDLocation  *Record `json:"rtd_location,omitempty"` // {HARDWARE} RTD [Ready to Deploy] location
    Supplier     *Record `json:"supplier,omitempty"`     // Supplier of the hardware item.

type Hardware

Hardware represents an individual hardware item.

type Hardware[M any] struct {
    *HardwareBase   `json:",inline"`
    Method          M                             `json:",inline"`
    Model           *Model[GET]                   `json:"model,omitempty"`             // Model of the hardware item.
    ModelNumber     string                        `json:"model_number,omitempty"`      // Model number of the hardware item.
    EOL             *Timestamp                    `json:"eol,omitempty"`               // End of life of a hardware item.
    AssetEOLDate    *Timestamp                    `json:"asset_eol_date,omitempty"`    // Asset end of life date of the hardware item.
    StatusLabel     *StatusLabel                  `json:"status_label,omitempty"`      // Status label of the hardware item.
    Image           string                        `json:"image,omitempty"`             // Image of the hardware item.
    QR              string                        `json:"qr,omitempty"`                // QR code of the hardware item.
    AltBarcode      string                        `json:"alt_barcode,omitempty"`       // Alternate barcode of the hardware item.
    WarrantyExpires string                        `json:"warranty_expires,omitempty"`  // Warranty expiry date of the hardware item.
    LastAuditDate   *string                       `json:"last_audit_date,omitempty"`   // Last audit date of the hardware item.
    NextAuditDate   *string                       `json:"next_audit_date,omitempty"`   // Next audit date of the hardware item.
    Age             string                        `json:"age,omitempty"`               // Age of the hardware item.
    LastCheckout    *Timestamp                    `json:"last_checkout,omitempty"`     // Time when the hardware item was last checked out.
    ExpectedCheckin *Timestamp                    `json:"expected_checkin,omitempty"`  // Expected check-in date of the hardware item.
    CheckinCounter  int                           `json:"checkin_counter,omitempty"`   // Check-in counter of the hardware item.
    CheckoutCounter int                           `json:"checkout_counter,omitempty"`  // Check-out counter of the hardware item.
    RequestsCounter int                           `json:"requests_counter,omitempty"`  // Request counter of the hardware item.
    UserCanCheckout bool                          `json:"user_can_checkout,omitempty"` // Whether the user can check-out the hardware item.
    CustomFields    *map[string]map[string]string `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"`     // Custom fields of a Snipe-IT asset (This will typically be the `DB Field` property in the WebUI)

func (*Hardware[M]) UnmarshalJSON

func (h *Hardware[M]) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type HardwareBase

type HardwareBase struct {
    *SnipeIT       `json:",inline"`
    AssetTag       string  `json:"asset_tag,omitempty"`       // Asset tag of the hardware item.
    Serial         string  `json:"serial,omitempty"`          // Serial number of the hardware item.
    OrderNumber    string  `json:"order_number,omitempty"`    // Order number of the hardware item.
    Notes          string  `json:"notes,omitempty"`           // Notes associated with the hardware item.
    WarrantyMonths *string `json:"warranty_months,omitempty"` // Warranty months of the hardware item.


type HardwareGET

type HardwareGET struct {
    GET          `json:",inline"`
    Archived     string    `json:"archived,omitempty"`      // Whether the hardware item is archived (string on GET, bool on PPPD)
    AssignedTo   *User     `json:"assigned_to,omitempty"`   // User to whom the hardware item is assigned. (object on GET, string on POST)
    PurchaseCost string    `json:"purchase_cost,omitempty"` // Purchase cost of the hardware item. (string on GET, float on POST)
    PurchaseDate *DateInfo `json:"purchase_date,omitempty"` // Purchase date of the hardware item. (object on GET, string on PPPD)

type HardwareList

### Assets ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source:

type HardwareList = PaginatedList[Hardware[HardwareGET]]

type HardwarePOST

type HardwarePOST struct {
    	You can do a checkout on creation if you add one of the following fields: assigned_user, assigned_asset, or assigned_location. This should be a valid primary key of the user, asset or location you wish to checkout to.
    PPPD         `json:",inline"`
    Archived     bool     `json:"archived,omitempty"`      // Whether the hardware item is archived (string on GET, bool on PPPD)
    AssignedTo   *string  `json:"assigned_to,omitempty"`   // User to whom the hardware item is assigned. (object on GET, string on POST)
    BYOD         bool     `json:"byod,omitempty"`          // Whether the hardware item is BYOD (bool on POST, int32 on PUT,PATCH)
    PurchaseCost *float64 `json:"purchase_cost,omitempty"` // Purchase cost of the hardware item. (string on GET, float on POST,PATCH)

type HardwarePUTPATCH

type HardwarePUTPATCH struct {
    PPPD         `json:",inline"`
    Archived     bool     `json:"archived,omitempty"`      // Whether the hardware item is archived (string on GET, bool on PPPD)
    AssignedTo   uint32   `json:"assigned_to,omitempty"`   // User ID to whom the hardware item is assigned. (object on GET, string on POST)
    BYOD         uint32   `json:"byod,omitempty"`          // Whether the hardware item is BYOD (bool on POST, int32 on PUT,PATCH)
    PurchaseCost *float64 `json:"purchase_cost,omitempty"` // Purchase cost of the hardware item. (string on GET, float on POST,PATCH)

type Location

type Location struct {
    *SnipeIT       `json:",inline"`
    Image          string      `json:"image,omitempty"`                 // The URL of the location's image.
    Address        string      `json:"address,omitempty"`               // The address of the location.
    Address2       string      `json:"address2,omitempty"`              // The second address line of the location.
    City           string      `json:"city,omitempty"`                  // The city of the location.
    State          string      `json:"state,omitempty"`                 // The state of the location.
    Country        string      `json:"country,omitempty"`               // The country of the location.
    Zip            string      `json:"zip,omitempty"`                   // The zip code of the location.
    AssetsAssigned int         `json:"assigned_assets_count,omitempty"` // The number of assets assigned to the location.
    Assets         int         `json:"assets_count,omitempty"`          // The number of assets at the location.
    RTDAssets      int         `json:"rtd_assets_count,omitempty"`      // The number of assets ready to deploy at the location.
    Users          int         `json:"users_count,omitempty"`           // The number of users at the location.
    Currency       string      `json:"currency,omitempty"`              // The currency of the location.
    LDAP           interface{} `json:"ldap_ou,omitempty"`               // The LDAP OU of the location.
    Children       []Location  `json:"children,omitempty"`              // The children of the location.

type LocationClient

LocationClient for chaining methods

type LocationClient struct {

func (*LocationClient) CreateLocation

func (c *LocationClient) CreateLocation(p *Location) (*Location, error)

* # Create a new Location in Snipe-IT

func (*LocationClient) DeleteLocation

func (c *LocationClient) DeleteLocation(id int) error

* # Delete a Location in Snipe-IT

func (*LocationClient) GetAllLocations

func (c *LocationClient) GetAllLocations() (*LocationList, error)

* # List all Locations in Snipe-IT

func (*LocationClient) GetLocation

func (c *LocationClient) GetLocation(id int) (*Location, error)

Get Location Details by ID

func (*LocationClient) PartialUpdateLocation

func (c *LocationClient) PartialUpdateLocation(id int, p *Location) (*Location, error)

Partially update a Location in Snipe-IT

func (*LocationClient) UpdateLocation

func (c *LocationClient) UpdateLocation(id int, p *Location) (*Location, error)

* # Update a Location in Snipe-IT

type LocationList

### Locations -------------------------------------------------------------------------

type LocationList = PaginatedList[Location]

type LocationQuery

* Query Parameters for Locations

type LocationQuery struct {
    Name     string `url:"name,omitempty"`     // Search for a location by name.
    Limit    int    `url:"limit,omitempty"`    // Specify the number of results you wish to return. Defaults to 50.
    Offset   int    `url:"offset,omitempty"`   // Specify the number of results to skip before starting to return items. Defaults to 0.
    Search   string `url:"search,omitempty"`   // Search for a location by name or address.
    Sort     string `url:"sort,omitempty"`     // Sort the results by the specified column. Defaults to id.
    Order    string `url:"order,omitempty"`    // Sort the results in the specified order. Defaults to asc.
    Address  string `url:"address,omitempty"`  // Search for a location by address.
    Address2 string `url:"address2,omitempty"` // Search for a location by address2.
    City     string `url:"city,omitempty"`     // Search for a location by city.
    State    string `url:"state,omitempty"`    // Search for a location by state.
    Country  string `url:"country,omitempty"`  // Search for a location by country.
    Expand   string `url:"expand,omitempty"`   // Expand the results to include full details of the associated model, category, and manufacturer.

func (*LocationQuery) Copy

func (q *LocationQuery) Copy() QueryInterface

### LocationQuery implements QueryInterface ---------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*LocationQuery) GetLimit

func (q *LocationQuery) GetLimit() int

func (*LocationQuery) GetOffset

func (q *LocationQuery) GetOffset() int

func (*LocationQuery) SetLimit

func (q *LocationQuery) SetLimit(limit int)

func (*LocationQuery) SetOffset

func (q *LocationQuery) SetOffset(offset int)

type Messages

type Messages struct {
    StringValue string
    MapValue    map[string][]string
    IsString    bool

func (*Messages) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *Messages) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type Model

type Model[M any] struct {
    *ModelBase `json:",inline"`
    Method     M   `json:",inline"`

type ModelBase

type ModelBase struct {
    *SnipeIT    `json:",inline"`
    ModelNumber string `json:"model_number,omitempty"` // Model number of the hardware item.
    Image       string `json:"image,omitempty"`        // Image of the hardware model.
    //Requestable          bool     `json:"requestable,omitempty"`            // Whether the hardware model is requestable.
    Notes                string   `json:"notes,omitempty"`                  // Notes of the hardware model.
    MinAmt               *float64 `json:"min_amt,omitempty"`                // Minimum amount of the hardware model.
    EOL                  int      `json:"eol,omitempty"`                    // End of life of the hardware model.
    DeprecatedMACAddress any      `json:"deprecated_mac_address,omitempty"` // Deprecated MAC address of the hardware model. (string on GET, number on PATCH)

type ModelList

### Models ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source:

type ModelList = PaginatedList[Model[GET]]

type PPPD


type PPPD struct {
    CreatedAt      *string `json:"created_at,omitempty"`      // Time when the item was created.
    UpdatedAt      *string `json:"updated_at,omitempty"`      // Time when the item was last updated.
    DeletedAt      *string `json:"deleted_at,omitempty"`      // Time when the item was deleted.
    CategoryID     *uint32 `json:"category_id,omitempty"`     // {MODEL} Category ID
    CompanyID      *uint32 `json:"company_id,omitempty"`      // Company ID
    DepartmentID   *uint32 `json:"department_id,omitempty"`   // Department ID
    DepreciationID *uint32 `json:"depreciation_id,omitempty"` // {MODEL} Depreciation ID
    FieldsetID     *uint32 `json:"fieldset_id,omitempty"`     // {MODEL} Fieldset ID
    LocationID     *uint32 `json:"location_id,omitempty"`     // Location ID
    ManufacturerID *uint32 `json:"manufacturer_id,omitempty"` // {MODEL} Manufacturer ID
    ModelID        *uint32 `json:"model_id,omitempty"`        // Model ID
    ParentID       *uint32 `json:"parent_id,omitempty"`       // {Location} Parent ID
    RTDLocationID  *uint32 `json:"rtd_location_id,omitempty"` // RTD Location ID
    StatusID       *uint32 `json:"status_id,omitempty"`       // {HARDWARE} Status ID
    SupplierID     *uint32 `json:"supplier_id,omitempty"`     // {HARDWARE} Supplier ID

type PaginatedList

PaginatedList is a generic structure representing a paginated response from SnipeIT with items of any type.

type PaginatedList[E any] struct {
    Total int   `json:"total,omitempty"` // The total number of items.
    Rows  *[]*E `json:"rows,omitempty"`  // An array of items.

func (PaginatedList[E]) Append

func (pl PaginatedList[E]) Append(elements *[]*E)

func (PaginatedList[E]) Elements

func (pl PaginatedList[E]) Elements() *[]*E

func (PaginatedList[E]) Map

func (pl PaginatedList[E]) Map() map[interface{}]*E

func (PaginatedList[E]) TotalCount

func (pl PaginatedList[E]) TotalCount() int

type PaginatedResponse

PaginatedResponse is an interface for SnipeIT API responses involving pagination

type PaginatedResponse[E any] interface {
    TotalCount() int
    Elements() *[]*E

type QueryInterface

QueryInterface defines methods for queries with pagination and filtering

type QueryInterface interface {
    Copy() QueryInterface
    GetLimit() int
    GetOffset() int

type Record

### Common Asset types ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Record represents an id:name pairing for many types of records in Snipe-IT.

type Record struct {
    ID   uint32 `json:"id"`   // ID of the record {category, company, department, location, manufacturer, supplier, etc.}
    Name string `json:"name"` // Name of the record {category, company, department, location, manufacturer, supplier, etc.}

type SnipeIT

SnipeIT Common fields

type SnipeIT struct {
    *Record `json:",inline"`

    AvailableActions *AvailableActions `json:"available_actions,omitempty"` // Available actions for the entity

type SnipeITResponse

SnipeITResponse is an interface for Snipe-IT API responses

type SnipeITResponse[E any] struct {
    Status   string   `json:"status,omitempty"`   // Status of the response
    Messages Messages `json:"messages,omitempty"` // Messages associated with the response
    Error    string   `json:"error,omitempty"`    // Error associated with the response
    Payload  *E       `json:"payload,omitempty"`  // Payload of the response -- can be an object of any type

type StatusLabel

StatusLabel represents the status label of a hardware item.

type StatusLabel struct {
    *Record    `json:",inline"`
    StatusMeta string `json:"status_meta,omitempty"` // Meta status of the status label.
    StatusType string `json:"status_type,omitempty"` // Type of the status label.

type Timestamp

Timestamp is a time.Time but JSON marshals/unmarshals as a string in the format “2006-01-02 15:04:05”

type Timestamp struct {

func (Timestamp) MarshalJSON

func (ts Timestamp) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*Timestamp) UnmarshalJSON

func (ts *Timestamp) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

type User

type User struct {
    *SnipeIT           `json:",inline"`
    Activated          bool              `json:"activated"`                     // Specifies if the user is active or not
    Address            string            `json:"address,omitempty"`             // Address of the user
    AssetsCount        int64             `json:"assets_count,omitempty"`        // Number of assets associated with the user
    AutoassignLicenses bool              `json:"autoassign_licenses,omitempty"` // Specifies if the licenses are automatically assigned to the user
    Avatar             string            `json:"avatar,omitempty"`              // URL of the user's avatar
    City               string            `json:"city,omitempty"`                // City of the user
    ConsumablesCount   int64             `json:"consumables_count,omitempty"`   // Count of consumables associated with the user
    Country            string            `json:"country,omitempty"`             // Country of the user
    CreatedBy          *DateInfo         `json:"created_by,omitempty"`          // Who created the user
    Email              string            `json:"email,omitempty"`               // Email of the user
    EmployeeNum        string            `json:"employee_num,omitempty"`        // Employee number of the user
    EndDate            *DateInfo         `json:"end_date,omitempty"`            // End date of the user
    FirstName          string            `json:"first_name,omitempty"`          // First name of the user
    Groups             interface{}       `json:"groups,omitempty"`              // Groups that the user belongs to
    ID                 int64             `json:"id,omitempty"`                  // ID of the user
    Jobtitle           string            `json:"jobtitle,omitempty"`            // Job title of the user
    LastLogin          string            `json:"last_login,omitempty"`          // Last login time of the user
    LastName           string            `json:"last_name,omitempty"`           // Last name of the user
    LdapImport         bool              `json:"ldap_import,omitempty"`         // Specifies if the user is imported from LDAP
    Locale             string            `json:"locale,omitempty"`              // Locale of the user
    Name               string            `json:"name,omitempty"`                // Full name of the user
    Notes              string            `json:"notes,omitempty"`               // Notes associated with the user
    Permissions        map[string]string `json:"permissions,omitempty"`         // Permissions of the user
    Phone              string            `json:"phone,omitempty"`               // Phone number of the user
    Remote             bool              `json:"remote,omitempty"`              // Specifies if the user is remote
    StartDate          *DateInfo         `json:"start_date,omitempty"`          // Start date of the user
    State              string            `json:"state,omitempty"`               // State of the user
    TwoFactorEnrolled  bool              `json:"two_factor_enrolled,omitempty"` // Specifies if the user has enrolled for two factor authentication
    TwoFactorOptin     bool              `json:"two_factor_optin,omitempty"`    // Specifies if the user has opted for two factor authentication
    Username           string            `json:"username,omitempty"`            // Username of the user
    Vip                bool              `json:"vip,omitempty"`                 // Specifies if the user is a VIP
    Website            string            `json:"website,omitempty"`             // Website of the user
    Zip                string            `json:"zip,omitempty"`                 // Zip code of the user

type UserList

### Users -------------------------------------------------------------------------

type UserList = PaginatedList[User]

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