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ECR/Dockerized Lambda Support

We made a small update to the docs to highlight deploying Starfleet with a Dockerized Lambda. This was necessary as Starfleet's dependencies made it larger than the .zip file size limit for Lambda.

The main steps to convert to this from a non-ECR set up is to:

  1. Create the Private ECR repo in the same account/region you have Starfleet deployed in.
  2. Update the samconfig.toml file.
  3. Update the SAM template.
  4. Re-build and deploy.

The Dockerized Lambda is built with the included Dockerfile, which should have everything needed and ready to go. You can test that the container builds by running docker build . from within the Starfleet directory.

Update SAM Config

Once you create your ECR Repo, you then need to update your samconfig.toml file to include the line:

image_repository = ""
... under your .deploy.parameters sections.

Update your SAM Template

The SAM template also needs to be updated. Included now are 2 sample SAM Templates: test_sam_template.yaml, which is the ECR sample template, and test_sam_template_NO_ECR.yaml, which is the original non-ECR version.

You would need to update all the function entires to change it from:

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      CodeUri: ./src
      Handler: starfleet.starbase.entrypoints.eventbridge_timed_lambda_handler
      Runtime: python3.12
over to:

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      DockerTag: starfleet
      DockerContext: ./
      Dockerfile: Dockerfile
      PackageType: Image
          - starfleet.starbase.entrypoints.eventbridge_timed_lambda_handler

Update all the Lambda definitions to include the Metadata section as shown above (this is the same for all the functions) and update the Properties section to have the fields above. Remove the old fields. Note: the Command field is where you place the Lambda handler path - this is unique to each Lambda function.

For more information see the ECR setup documentation and also AWS's documentation here.